
Unfortunately we missed the board report last month. Again.


Releases since the last report:


No arrivals or departures.

We have been getting a reasonable amount of feedback and contributions in terms of patches and development ideas. A number of patches has been contributed by the users of Apache Synapse.

There is a enough activity on both user and developer mailing lists. Overall the whole community looks and behaves quite healthy.

Several committers on the project expressed willingness to support the incubation of the Droids project, currently in the Apache Labs. Droids is an intelligent standalone robot framework that may become a part of the HttpComponents community after the incubation. Alternative destination of Droids may be the Lucene TLP in case a too strong emphasis on HTTP protocol proves too constraining for Droids.


Items still in work:

  • finalize and approve project bylaws
  • re-instate deployment of website via Subversion (currently deployed by Maven due to TLP migration)


HttpClient beta1 has been released.

The first BETA brings yet another round of API enhancements and improvements in the area of connection management. Among the most notable ones is the capability to handle stateful connections such as persistent NTLM connections and private key authenticated SSL connections.

This is the first API stable release of HttpClient 4.0. All further releases in the 4.0 code line will maintain API compatibility with this release.

General Notes.

HttpClient / HttpCore are now shipped with Google Android platform. We see this a major endorsement of our work.

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