Please use this page to contact other people who would like to share a room at the conference. Leaving your name, email address, and, optionally, phone number, will facilitate making contact. You should also note where you would like to stay, and your gender, to avoid unwelcome surprises.

A Note on OS Summit Asia Hotels

The main hotel for OS Summit Asia is the Le Méridien located at the Cyberport in Hong Kong. A couple of important things to know about this hotel:

  • Space is limited
  • A registration form is available on the conference website
  • It's located at the conference center
  • The conference center (the Cyberport) is on the south side of Hong Kong island, meaning no direct access via the subway or trains. You have to take a taxi or bus to get to/from Hong Kong Central (or anywhere else).

The Sheraton in Kowloon, Hong Kong is the official "overflow" hotel for the conference. Shuttles will be provided from the Sheraton to/from the Cyberport.

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