Beehive is currently considering a set of coding conventions.

The current proposal is based on the 'Java Conventions' from Sun with the following modifications:

  • [2.2] use README.txt instead of README

  • [3.1.1] use the ASF source header with a current copyright date

  • [4] explicitly define indentation as 4 spaces

  • [4.1] use of 120 character lines

  • [6.3] allow declaration of variables before use

  • [7.4] use a newline before else

  • [7.9] use a newline before catch

  • [9] allow the use of "_" as a prefix for class-level variable names

  • [10.5.1] Make an exception for && and | – no parentheses required around their component expressions

  • [10.5.2] Drop this requirement

  • [10.5.4]use "todo" instead of "fixme"

  • discontinue use of the "I" naming convention for interfaces
  • No labels