See also:

This is a list of feature requests. If you want, you can pickup an item of the list and work on it and help making Cocoon even better!

  • merge XIncludeTransformer and CIncludeTransformer (this is copied from bugzilla entry 13329)
  • implement the "select" attribute for cached include in the CIncludeTransformer (from bug 13329)
  • The CLI should only update files if the content has changed (from bug 15990)
  • Modify the caching system so that it is possible to:
    • include docs referenced by XSLT's document() in the cache validity (bugzilla 10203)
    • make the XIncludeTransformer cacheable (bugzilla 20132)
  • Allow aggregators to have anonymous "parts" (parts that are not a reference to a URI, but contain a generator and possibly transformers within them). This would make some sitemaps easier to read by reducing the need to go look up a separate pipeline for each part. E.g.:
<map:match pattern="*/*/framework">
  <map:aggregate element="root">
    <map:part> <!-- No need to go look up what this part does. -->
      <map:generate src="docs/foo.xml" />
      <map:transform src="transforms/bar.xsl" />
    <map:part src="cocoon:/roles/{1}/{2}" />
  <map:transform type="cinclude" />
  <map:serialize />
  • Allow the root-element of an aggregator to have attributes. How could these be defined? One option would be map:parameter, but parameters might have other uses for aggregators. Another option would be map:attribute, but that would introduce another map-element.
  • No labels