Snipplets about how to use the LDAP Transformer

Official Cocoon doc: Cocoon LDAP Transformer

Getting the Transformer

The LDAP Tranformer is not included in Cocoon 2.0.3/4 binary version. You have to build your own Version of Cocoon with LDAP Transformer from the sources. How this can be done can be found on

Sitemap Code Snipplets

Components configuration:

         <map:transformer name="ldap" 

Little example pipeline:

         <map:match pattern="doldapqry">
            <map:generate src="LdapQry.xml" />
            <map:transform type="ldap" />
            <map:serialize type="xml" /> 

Example Query File (check against the documented DTD)

(get all persons with a telephonenumber )

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<LDAPUSER xmlns:ldap="">




















Is it okay for you to post the ldap configs and the sample ldif file entry to search? - user

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