This page is out of date. See Communication Tools

Summary of instruments we use to manage the Cocoon project:

Issue tracking

We use Bugzilla as issue tracking tool which we use for three different tasks. Find here our guidelines HowWeUseBugzilla especially the different meanings of the issue states.

If you assign yourself to an issue don't forget to add as CC'ed mail address (otherwise the community won't be informed about changes on the issue any more)!

Mailing lists

We use mailing lists as our central communication tool. Also see the archives. The Cocoon mailing lists are currently also being archived into an unofficial Cocoon Forum by Nabble. You can browse and search all lists' posts there. The UI is clean and the search is good. You can also create sub forums there to expand the discussion.

Code repository

We use Subversion (SVN) as our code repository. Here you can access it using a browser. To get a working copy you checkout this information

Virtual Meetings

Every FirstFriday in a month we meet for 'virtual hackathons'.


As you found this page you already know that we have set up a Wiki for some of the documentation. If you want to enhance or add docs to the official documentation have a look at our Documentation HowTo and How to Prepare a Patch.

Release management

How to release Cocoon

Cocoon WebSite

How to update our website

Results of votes

A summary of votes of the Cocoon committers

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