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  1. Download the Pig tutorial file to your local directory (pigtutorial.tar.gz)
  2. Unzip the Pig tutorial file (the files are stored in a newly created directory, pigtmp).
    Code Block
    $ tar -xzf pigtutorial.tar.gz
  3. Move to the pigtmp directory.
  4. Review the contents of the Pig tutorial file.
  5. Copy the pig.jar file to the appropriate directory on your system. For example: /home/me/pig.
  6. Create an environment variable, PIGDIR, and point it to your directory. For example: export PIGDIR=/home/me/pig (bash, sh) or setenv PIGDIR /home/me/pig (tcsh, csh).


Pig Scripts: Local Mode


To run the Pig scripts in local mode, do the following:

  1. Move to the pigtmp directory.
  2. Review Pig Script 1 and Pig Script 2.
  3. Execute the following command (using either script1-local.pig or script2-local.pig).
    Code Block
    $ java -cp $PIGDIR/pig.jar org.apache.pig.Main -x local script1-local.pig
  4. Review the result file (either script1-local-results.txt or script2-local-results.txt):
    Code Block
    $ ls -l script1-local-results.txt
    $ cat script1-local-results.txt

Pig Scripts: Hadoop Mode

To run the Pig scripts in hadoop (mapreduce) mode, do the following:

  1. Move to the pigtmp directory.
  2. Review Pig Script 1 and Pig_Script_2.
  3. Copy the excite.log.bz2 file from the pigtmp directory to the HDFS directory.
    Code Block
    $ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal excite.log.bz2 .
  4. Set the HADOOPSITEPATH environment variable to the location of your hadoop-site.xml file.
  5. Execute the following command (using either script1-hadoop.pig or script2-hadoop.pig):
    Code Block
    $ java -cp $PIGDIR/pig.jar:$HADOOPSITEPATH org.apache.pig.Main script1-hadoop.pig
    1.#6 Review the result files (located in either the script1-hadoop-results or script2-hadoop-results HDFS directory):
Code Block
$ hadoop fs -ls script1-hadoop-results
$ hadoop fs -cat 'script1-hadoop-results/*' | less



Pig Tutorial File

The contents of the Pig tutorial file (pigtutorial.tar.gz) are described here.




Pig JAR file


User-defined functions (UDFs) and Java classes


Pig Script 1, Query Phrase Popularity (local mode)


Pig Script 1, Query Phrase Popularity (Hadoop cluster)


Pig Script 2, Temporal Query Phrase Popularity (local mode)


Pig Script 2, Temporal Query Phrase Popularity (Hadoop cluster)


Log file, Excite search engine (local mode)


Log file, Excite search engine (Hadoop cluster)

A better-documented version of script1-local.pig can be found at . It includes comments showing samples from each intermediate relation.

The user-defined functions (UDFs) are described here.
