\[http://incubator.apache.org/hama Hama\] is a parallel matrix computation package, which is a library of matrix operations for large-scale processing and development environments. It is also a \[http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/HadoopMapReduce Map/Reduce\] framework for a large-scale numerical analysis and data mining, which need the intensive computation power of matrix inversion, e.g., linear regression, PCA, SVM and etc. It will be useful for many scientific applications, e.g., physics computations, linear algebra, computational fluid dynamics, statistics, graphic rendering and many more. 

Project Naming

According to Edward J. Yoon, the founder of \[http://incubator.apache.org/hama Hama\], the name of this project is from the abbreviation of the Hadoop Matrix. It also means a hippopotamus in Korean, which is a large animal with a barrel-shaped body _(Large-Scale)_ and huge mouth _(High-Throughput)_.

General Information

Developer Documentation