Serialize Printing of "Hello BSP"

Each BSP task of the HAMA cluster, will print the string "Hello BSP" in serial order. This example will help you to understand the concepts of the BSP computing model.

Sequence Diagram

BSP implementation of Serialize Printing of "Hello BSP"

public class SerializePrinting {

  public static class HelloBSP extends BSP {
    public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(HelloBSP.class);
    private Configuration conf;

    public void bsp(BSPPeer bspPeer) throws IOException, KeeperException,
        InterruptedException {
      int num = Integer.parseInt(conf.get("bsp.peers.num"));

      int i = 0;
      for(Map.Entry<String, String> e : bspPeer.getAllPeers().entrySet()) {
        if(bspPeer.getHostName().equals(e.getValue())) {
"Hello BSP from " + i + " of " + num + ": "
              + bspPeer.getHostName());


    public Configuration getConf() {
      return conf;

    public void setConf(Configuration conf) {
      this.conf = conf;


  public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException,
      IOException {
    // BSP job configuration
    HamaConfiguration conf = new HamaConfiguration();

    BSPJob bsp = new BSPJob(conf, SerializePrinting.class);
    // Set the job name
    bsp.setJobName("serialize printing");
