April 2007 Board reports (see ReportingSchedule).

These reports are due to the Incubator PMC by 11 April 2007

Incubator PMC members, please add your handle on the iPMC Reviewers: line if you have taken the time and accept the report as presented. E.g. iPMC Reviewers: noel, wrowe.

DO NOT modify reviewed reports, please; add further Q & A after the crux of the original report. This makes it simpler to preserve accepted reports.


iPMC Reviewers: rdonkin, jukka

Project name - CXF

Description - SOA enabling framework, web services toolkit

Date of entry - August, 2006

Top three items to resolve -

  1. Diversity - Active commiters are still 90% IONA people 2. Growth of community - related to diversity. The traffic on both the users and dev lists is growing with new people jumping in, but still is mostly IONA folks. 3. Mentor status - recent discussion on general@i.a.o suggested we really need three active mentors. We currently only have 2 mentors total, only one of which has been active. (the other is getting back up to speed though.)

Community aspects:

Code aspects:


iPMC Reviewers: rdonkin, jukka

Description: FtpServer is a Java based implementation of the RFC covering different aspects of FTP.

Since the last board report, the main activity within FtpServer has been a rather large rewrite to create an Apache MINA based network implementation. The aim with this is to leverage the asynchronous IO library to get better scalability. The initial performance tests shows that this has been successful and that FtpServer now can handle significant loads. Besides this major work, many minor issues has been closed, mostly based on feedback from users.

As reported previously, FtpServer has very few active commiters. Currently, there is only one. This is, for many reasons a big problem and one that we need to resolve. A discussion was started on general@i.a.o ton address this. Among many good ideas, one was to seek closer cooperation with Tomcat and write a FTP connector for Tomcat. This is something we will pursue both based on technical (Tomcat is a very stable runtime to base FtpServer on) and community merits. With this, we hope to possibly attract Tomcat developers into the joys of FTP.

We also need to reach out using articles, blog posts and talks. No significant progress has been made in this area since the last report.

iPMC questions / comments:


iPMC Reviewers: rdonkin

Graffito is a framework for content-based applications, especially in portlet environments. Graffito entered incubation on September 20, 2004.

Despite recent efforts the level of activity within the Graffito project remains low. The only part of the project that enjoys continued interest and commit activity is the JCR Mapping component, whose transfer into a subproject of Apache Jackrabbit is being prepared.

There is little indication that the level of activity within other parts of the Graffito project would increase in future, so we will most likely request termination of the project as dormant as soon as the JCR Mapping component has been moved to Apache Jackrabbit.




iPMC Reviewers: rdonkin, jukka

Project name - Ivy

Description - Ivy is a dependencies management tool mostly used in combination with Apache Ant

Date of entry - October 23rd, 2006

Top three items to resolve:

  1. Growth of commiters - We are still only two commiters, which is not enough to ensure the future of Ivy 2. Release - We haven't made any release in the incubator yet, so we still don't know if we are able to release. 3. Growth of community - We have a pretty active user community, seeing more with more involvement in the project would help.

Community aspects:

Code aspects:



iPMC Reviewers: rdonkin, jukka

Lucene.Net has had a rough time learning the ropes of the Apache Incubator, struggling with making releases that dot all the i's. There are several hurdles, with a single committer (George Aroush) using a language/platform that is not commonly used at the ASF and which has a culture that has historically not been about open source (C# .NET). Goerge has put forth additional effort recently to address the concerns that the Incubator PMC mentioned, and is on its way to a new release.

iPMC questions / comments:



iPMC Reviewers: rdonkin, jukka

The Apache Qpid Project provides an open and interoperable, multiple language implementations of the Advanced Messaged Queuing Protocol (AMQP) specification

Date of entry to the Incubator : 2006-09

Resolved issues

Top two items to resolve before graduation

iPMC questions / comments:


iPMC Reviewers: rdonkin

Tika is a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and structured text content from various documents using existing parser libraries. Tika entered incubation on March 22nd, 2007.

The Tika project has just started. The basic infrastructure (mailing lists, subversion, issue tracker, web site) is mostly in place; the only thing still missing is one committer account. We expect to get started with the actual design and code work during the next few weeks.


iPMC Reviewers: rdonkin, jukka

TripleSoup will be an RDF store, tooling to work with that database, and a REST web interface to talk to that database using SPARQL, implemented as an apache webserver module. TripleSoup entered incubation on February 5, 2007.

There are currently no issues requiring Incubator PMC or board attention.


iPMC Reviewers: rdonkin, jukka

UIMA is a component framework for the analysis of unstructured content such as text, audio and video. UIMA entered incubation on October 3, 2006.

Some recent activity:

Items to complete before graduation:

