
Commons Daemon http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/daemon/index.html can be used to run executables or java applications as windows service or UNIX daemon.


Is it possible to use the commons daemon to run a executable as Windows service?

Yes, not only java applications can be installed as windows service. Similar to the Srvany.exe tool any other exe can be used.

Sample: Proxomitron (http://www.proxomitron.info/) as windows service

prunsrv //IS//PROXO --DisplayName="Proxomitron Proxy" --Description="Proxomitron Web Proxy" --StartImage=c:\proxomitron\proxomitron.exe --StartPath=c:\proxomitron --Type=interactive --LogLevel=DEBUG --LogPath=c:\proxomitron\logs --LogPrefix=procrun.log --Startup=manual --StdOutput=c:\proxomitron\logs\stdout.log --StdError=c:\proxomitron\logs\stderr.log

prunsrv //DS//PROXO

Can I use the commons daemon to install (register) a Windows service?

Yes a Windows service can be installed/uninstalled using prunsrv. See the following example to install the a Windows Service called SCNService:
prunsrv //IS//SCNService --Install=%CD%\SCNService.exe --Startup=manual --DisplayName=SCNService

Hint: prunsrv will add "//RS//SCNService" to the ImagePath, which will be passed to SCNService.exe when the Windows SCM (Service Control Manager) is staring the service. Most Services will ignore such command line arguments, but you should check this with your service just to make sure.

I get "prunsrv.c Failed creating java" errors when commons daemon launches Tomcat

These errors when JVM used by Tomcat cannot locate msvcr71.dll runtime library.

Possible solutions:

Can I use the common daemon to start a Windows service?

I can stop a windows service with //SS//ServiceName. As I tried to start it again with //RS// nothing happend?

UNIX Return codes
