Scientific Data Text Representation

Tika now parses scientific data files such as HDF, NetCDF, and MatLab. Currently, the parsed output for these files is metadata. While there is a 'text/ -t' output for NetCDF files, it includes variable names and dimensions, which is still in its essence, metadata. Enabling the data themselves to be parsed would enable a new paradigm in search.

NetCDF Example

A netCDF classic or 64-bit offset dataset is stored as a single file comprising two parts:

The NetCDFparser currently extracts the "header part".

We want the option to extract the "data part" of NetCDF files.

JIRA Issue: TIKA-1577

Lets use the NetCDF test file for our dev testing: tika/tika-parsers/src/test/resources/test-documents/

Suggestions include:

Use nested tables in HTML5: