XAP provides two ways of mixing HTML into XAP applications.

1. Placing XAP applications into HTML

XAP applications can be mixed with HTML code. Syntax is subject to change.

An example:


Source: portlet.xal

This application provides a table as the main element of the web page. Cells of this table are set to contain different elements from the XAP application – there are four color pickers and a button. The event handling and HTML updating is fully provided by the XAP application.

2. Using XModify to modify an HTML DOM

One of the compelling features of XAP is the ability to declaratively modify a running application with XML statements. This feature is an integral part of a XAP application, however it's usefulness extends beyond XAP to HTML.

Using the XAP XModify syntax - a declarative syntax for DOM modifications - developers can write statements that modify existing HTML DOMs.