Proposal: Shane's Ideas For ACUS08

Half Shane's ideas, half an agenda for our planning meeting. Here are some pre-coffee "Shane's Rules" for the conference.

Rule # 1: have a better network. Rule # 2: ensure Shane's email doesn't fail in the middle of the conference. Rule # 3: Hackathon must be free for committers. (for this show)(undecided about token charge for non-committers) Rule # 4: marketing must improve, both formal (PR firms) and informal (getting trainers and PMCs to be effective) Rule # 5: keynote speakers must be interesting. Rule # 5a: one of the keynote speakers must be involved with a non-profit or other charitable institution: how the ASF's geek work affects the real world.

Shane's vision: a semi-traditional ApacheCon

Given everything (including contracts, and current volunteers) I don't have the imagination for a completely different ApacheCon US 2008 - although I want to push hard for experimentation with one/two tracks of FFT, Community, Meetup, PMC focus, whatever tracks.