#acl +All:read,write

There are a number of community events taking place before, during and after ApacheCon.

Early Evening Events

Every day of the conference (Tuesday to Thursday), right after the talks finish, we'll be running community events for around 2 hours. These will mostly be taking place upstairs in the ballroom (where lunch will be, also the location of the breakout space and exhibition area). Each evening, we'll have different things to keep you interested and engaged. Some with be light-hearted, some serious, some technical, some not.

Details of events to go here later

Ideas include Lightning Talks, mini BarCamp sessions, Ignite Presentations and more!

Evenings Events (post 8pm)

The early evening events will run until about 8pm. After that, there are Meetups, BoFs, Project Get-Togethers etc. If nothing catches your fancy there, grab a few people and head out for dinner or drinks! See the PortlandTips page for suggestions.

Event Organisers

Got a question about one of the community events taking place at ApacheCon? As your first point of call, try getting in touch with one of the kind volunteers who have signed up to help run the event! These folk are:

list goes here

If that doesn't work, please drop an email to the ApacheCon Planners, and one of the planners will try to hook you up with the right person to answer your query.