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Denver Tips and Tricks

ApacheCon North America 2014 is being held in Denver. If you have any tips and tricks for people visiting, or links to other good resources, please collect them here!


The conference is being hosted in the Westin Denver Downtown, which is located at 1672 Lawrence Street,Denver, CO 80202, United States. The phone number is 1-303-572-9100

Some information on the hotel and travel is on the main site.

Getting from the Airport to the Hotel

RTD SkyRide... $11 and takes you 2.5 blocks from the hotel. It drops you at Market station:


Here is the Google Maps to get to the hotel:


Parking near / at the Hotel

Help needed! Please add details here of parking at the hotel, and cheaper alternatives nearby

Denver Visitor Information

Places for the evening

Help needed! What places nearby are good to eat and drink at? Are there any places further away worth the trip?

Places for Breakfast

Yes this is really important. (wink) Denver is really known for Mexican food. In particular, Green Chili. Sams No 3 is known for thier breakfast burritos.


This place has award winning breakfast burrritos. Be sure you get them smothered in green chili. Trust us... you will have dreams about this for years to come. (wink)

Its about an 8 minute walk from the hotel (if even that). Be expected to see many Apache folks there. (wink)


Yeah, you are reading right. World class skiing is not too far, but will likely require a car. Ski resorts are beginning to close, but a few are still open.

Check out these resorts which are open during ApacheCon and not too far from Denver:

A local secret... Loveland is awesome and has a lot of bowls... not too far and doesn't get teh crowds the other resorts get. The best snow is likely at A-Basin and Loveland due to their altitude.

Other Open Source Events

Help needed! What other Open Source events are on in Denver at the same time?