The Felix/OSGi meetup is a free session colocated with, the meetup will take place on the evening of Tuesday 3rd November. It is an informal session for people interested in OSGi technology in general and the OSGi related projects at Apache. Some of the Apache projects are:


The program will be finalised on the night. If you have anything specific you would like to present (maximum 15 minutes) or discuss please add it here:

We'll also be accepting suggestions for topics on the night if there is enough time.

Suggested Topics

If you have something specific you would like to learn about at the MeetUp add it here:


ApacheConUS09 2-6 November 2009 (meetup is on the evening of the 3rd) Oakland, CA


Please add your name here if you plan to attend.

  1. Carsten Ziegeler
  2. Felix Meschberger
  3. Marcel Offermans
  4. Floris Zwarteveen
  5. Bertrand Delacretaz
  6. Ian Boston
  7. Your name here