Gump3 Presentation

Task Description

Creating a webapplication to show dynamical pages of the data generated by Gump3.



need to:


Since I couldn't manage to learn cocoon to that extent that I needed to compleat my taks I have decided to go with Java+Struts. I find cocoon a chalanging and complicated framwork but from what I can see also a flexible, good and very usefull framework. My intention and hope is that after this project with summer of code I will have some time to convert the webapplication to cocoon and keep on working on it.

Use Cases

  1. Brows By Builds 2. Brows By package

1. Brows By Builds


  1. User selects brows by build. 2. The System presents a list with hosts and workspaces 3. The user selects a workspace 4. The System presents a list with runs from that workspace. 5. The user selects a run. 6. The System presents a list with packages and some information like:

2. Brows By package


  1. User selects brows by module. 2. The system presents a list with all the packages includeing:

Alternative Workflow

4b. the user selects the build this package belongs to.