Any help on these projects is welcome (comments, use cases, design, implementation, bugspray, etc.). You can contact me at tim at keow dot org or via the Cocoon dev or users list or the xReporter list.

(I am retiring the old address, timlarsonwork at yahoo dot com)

Current Project(s)

Additional topics/links:

New widget definition builder design:
Email Link

Another short writeup about cforms builder logic pools:

Setup the builder's initial context.

Create a form by passing the Assistant

to the form definition class's constructor.

The form definition then asks the Assistant

for everything it needs.

The Assistant then returns the data from its

cache, queries the appropriate builder for the

data, or queries the appropriate builder logic pool.

This allows most definitions to not require specific

builder classes to be created, as the general logic to

retrieve the configuration data that they need is in the

builder logic pool.

New design for dynamic widgets, widget definition repositories, etc:

Design for autogeneration of bindings and templates:
Email Link (skip down to the part that starts: "Allow model, binding, and template fragments to be associated with each other")

New features for Cocoon Forms (Woody):


The features described below are present in Cocoon version 2.1.4, but they are being redesigned at WoodyScratchpad. Please join the discussion to make sure these features get properly designed meet your needs.

Class, New, Struct, and Union

Quick summary

Combined use of these new features allow for the creation of dynamic, recursive GUI's and editors for structured content of any nesting level. See "TODO" below for current limitations in this implementation. When finished, we should be able to use Cocoon Forms to create and edit sitemaps, form definitions and templates, xreporter reports, etc.



TODO: Should describe plans for class instantiation parameters, etc. here.


Container widget which can hold zero or more widgets.

This wraps the set of contained widgets in their own namespace (the id of the Struct widget), allowing the same widget id's to be reused multiple times in a form. Also, using a Struct widget as a Union case allows the case to contain multiple widgets.

TODO: Should describe the use of the corresponding template element here.


Discriminated union widget which holds one of several possible widgets at any one time.

TODO: Should describe the use of the corresponding template elements here.

Development Notes: Watch for changes coming to this definition to experiment with various uses for this widget type, such as for the definition of subforms.

Probably going to change this from a CompositeWidget to a ContainerWidget and allow the union case to be specified by a referenced widget.  This may involve allowing the referenced widget to derive its value from a general expression referencing other widgets. There is some design work left to figure out how to get deterministic behaviour from derived widgets which reference other derived widgets (order of evaluation issues).
\[This change has now happened, and is reflected in the detailed notes below.\]

Detailed descriptions:


Specify a set of widget definitions or templates and/or markup for reuse. The same concept is implemented in the form definition for widget reuse, and in the form template for template and/or markup reuse.

Definition syntax

Only allowed as a direct child widget of wd:form. Note that the definition class id's currently form a flat namespace.

<wd:class id="some-class">
    <!-- A list of any widgets(s) (e.g. wd:field, wd:new, wd:struct, wd:union) -->

Template syntax

Inside the wd:form template, allowed anywhere other templates are allowed Note that the template class id's currently form a flat namespace

<wt:class id="some-class">
    A list of templates and/or markup


Insert the widgets or templates and/or markup from the referenced class.

Definition syntax

New inserts the widgets from the referenced class.

<wd:new id="some-class"/>

Template syntax

New inserts the templates and markup from the referenced class.

<wt:new id="some-class"/>


Generic container for widgets. Useful to hold multiple widgets in a union case, and anywhere there is a need to wrap a collection of widgets in a namespace.

Definition syntax

<wd:struct id="some-struct">
      A list of any widget(s) (e.g. wd:field, wd:new, wd:struct, wd:union)

Template syntax

<wt:struct id="some-struct">
    A list of templates for contained widgets, possibly mixed with markup


Discriminated union. Each direct child widget is considered a union case. The widgets are only created when their case is selected (lazy construction), but their values continue to exist after switching to another case, to allow for case-switching validation, value copying between cases, and automatic support for remembering values on a switch back to a previously selected case. A container widget (Repeater, Struct, Union, or sort-of AggregateField) must be used for union cases that need to hold multiple widgets. The "case" attribute of the union element references the widget that determines the current case.

Definition syntax

<wd:union id="widget-id" case="widget-id">
  <wd:datatype base="...">
  <wd:selection-list .../>
      A list of any widget(s) (e.g. wd:field, wd:new, wd:struct, wd:union)

Template syntax

The wt:union template outputs any markup outside of the cases and the contents of the wt:case template for the current union case, while suppressing output from the other wt:case templates.


  <!-- A list of union cases, possibly mixed with markup. -->

  <!-- Use an empty id to handle the case of an empty union discriminant. -->
  <wt:case id="">
    <!-- Any markup -->

  <!-- Use the union child widget id as the case id. -->
  <wt:case id="some-case">
      A list of any relevant templates, possibly mixed with markup.


Binding syntax

The wb:union binding wraps wb:case bindings. The wb:case binding that matches the current case of the surrounding union is the only wb:case binding which will perform its child bindings.


  <wb:case id="">
    <!-- A list of bindings relevant to the default case -->

  <wb:case id="some-case">
    <!-- A list of bindings relevant to the selected case -->
