Starting from 1/1/2003, or Cocoon releases > 2.1.2, the following change is required to all your form definition files.

In the form definition, for widgets that have child widgets, those child widgets should now be embedded inside a wd:widgets element.

Here's what practically needs to be done:

A form definition that previously looked like this:

  <wd:field .../>
  <wd:field .../>
  <wd:repeater .../>

should now become:

    <wd:field .../>
    <wd:field .../>
    <wd:repeater .../>

The same is true for the repeater widget:

  <wd:field .../>
  <wd:field .../>


    <wd:field .../>
    <wd:field .../>

The aggregatefield widget had already a container tag, but it was called wd:children. It should now be renamed to wd:widgets.