This page describes the directory structure of Lenya under the build/ directory.



This subdirectory contains java code (org.apache.cocoon.* and org.apache.lenya.*).

 _\[Why is this needed in the build tree? Can someone explain?\]_


This subdirectory contains two files

They are the "root" sitemaps that are used if no local ones are found in the publication or its templates.

 _\[What is the difference between these two?\]_

It also contains the following sub-directories:


This directory will house the Java Content Repository if you choose to use it (it can replace the old file-based storage under your publication's content/ dir). See JcrConfiguration for details.


This directory will house all global lenya code. This is where things become interesting, so there is an extra page for it: DirectoryStructureLenya2.0-HEAD-build-lenya-webapp-lenya


This is servlet-container housekeeping stuff. Among others, it contains:

\[I have not the faintest idea what the other things in this place are for. My guess is they don't pertain to MereMortals.\]