This page is intended to summarize and define Lenya terminology, to point out usage inconsistencies and synonymous terms, and to collect pointers to more detailed information either in the official Lenya documentation or other pages in this wiki.

It is aimed at new Lenya users looking for a short primer, at proficient users in need of a handy reference and at developers and documentation writers who need a quick refresher in order to maintain consistent usage of technical terms in their code comments and docs.

For a comparison of Lenya's terminology with that of other Content Management Systems see CMSTerminologyComparison.

A more concise top-down overview of those key terms concerning Lenya content structure can be found at GlossaryStructure.

 _This page is meant to apply to all versions of Lenya, although it currently concentrates on Lenya 2.0. Where Lenya 1.2.X usage differs, please mark it with \[Lenya 1.2.X\]._

access control

 The functionality needed to restrict and control who may edit, publish or visit the content of a Lenya publication.


(see also OverviewAuthenticationAndAuthorization)


 An access control object which can have certain *=>roles* on URLs. See also *=>policies*. Currently used accreditables are:


In Lenya 1.2, the prefix "info-" can be added to the authoring, staging, archive, and trash areas. This is used to display the sitetree and page information (commonly refered to as "info area").

The areas share many properties (notably the presentation of the content), but can have additional properties of their own (an obvious example are the editing menus in the authoring area). Live and authoring can have different content.
A page moves from authoring to live and back according to *=>workflow*s.

In the docs you will sometimes find term mode instead of "area" to describe the same concept.

(see also

 _\[The area concept is currently debated and will probably be scrapped for the next major release.\]_


 A generic term for image and other media files embedded in an XML document. In Lenya 1.2, assets belong to single pages. They are not versioned. In Lenya 2.0, assets are ordinary documents of type "resource", and they are included as links.



 see *=>area*



 An web development framework under the hood of the Apache Software Foundation, built around the concepts of separation of concerns and component-based web development. Lenya is based on Cocoon, and basic Cocoon knowledge is essential to customize a Lenya-driven website.


(see also: OverviewCocoonKnowledge and


 The entirety of information provided by a *=>publication*.


content item

 A generic term including XML content (language versions) and assets.


 _\[This is awkward. "document" seems to be the preferred term on the mailing lists.\]_

content type

 A synonym for *=>resource type* (Lenya 2.0) or *=>document type* (Lenya 1.2).



 Sometimes called the "servlet context", this refers to a URI prefix that may be required to distinguish the Lenya application from other web applications on the same server.  Typically this is absent when running Lenya under the bundled Jetty application server, or "/lenya" when running under Tomcat, [WebLogic] or others. The context used to be a source of many bugs before Lenya 2.0, because it's easy to forget to include it when you are running in root context, causing your code to break when deployed in Tomcat. In Lenya 2.0, the [ProxyTransformer] takes care of prepending the context to all URLs before a page is delivered.



 The act of removing a document from the *=>live* *=>area*. See also: *=>workflow*.



 The set of *=>language versions* of a piece of information grouped under a common *document id*, including its *=>metadata*. In Lenya 1.2, the term document refers to a single language version.



 The act of moving a *=>deactivated* document into the *=>trash*.



 To open a file in one of the editors, make changes, and save those changes. See also: *=>workflow*.

fallback mechanism

 A key concept for *=>publication templating*. Resources requested using the fallback *=>protocol* are first searched in the current publication; if not found, the template is searched, then the template's template, etc. If all sitemaps etc. of a publication (including used modules) use the fallback protocol consistently, the publication will completely support templating. The fallback mechanism is also used in modules, where it allows module resources such as stylesheets to be overridden by the publication.



 see *=>access control*



 An object storing information about a client that accesses a Lenya server. The identity contains a reference to the *user*, to the *machine* and to the *world*. If you don't log in, the identity only contains your machine IP address and the world.



 see *=>area*



 The act of abstracting a document from a specific language. In addition to providing translations of entire documents, you can replace often-used strings by special keys which will then be translated ("localized") with a catalogue file. This is handled by Cocoon.

see also: (Lenya 1.2 specific, but gives a good overview)

see also: (the cocoon I18nTransformer that governs i18n in Lenya)


 see *=>internationalization*



 see *=>area*



 The act of translating the contents of a document that has been internationalized (*=>internationalization*) into a target language. This can also include re-formatting date/time fields and currency according to local usage.



 see *=>localization*



 The set of additional information belonging to a document that is not part of the data itself (e.g. data about the data). Lenya 2.0 uses Dublin-Core metadata by default and allows for arbitrary custom metadata as well.


see also:


 Currently a synonym for *=>area*, will be used exclusively when the area concept is given up in later revisions.



 Packages providing a certain set of resources or functionality, such as



 A synonym for *=>publication*.


 A concept from Apache Cocoon; an XML file that governs how page requests are handled, i.e. where the data comes from and how it has to be transformed and presented to the user.

(see also OverviewSitemapStructure and
site tree

 The tree-representation of the hierarchical relationship of documents within a site. Currently implemented as an XML file under  {{<pubname>/content/sitetree.xml}}.

site tree node

 A particular document entry within the site tree.

source factory

 A piece of Java code implementing a *=>protocol*. Used in sitemaps.


 The act of passing on an *=>edit*ed document to *=>review*. See also: *=>workflow*.


 Version of a document in a specific language.


 An intermediate storage space to hold deleted documents. They can be un-deleted until the trash is emptied by the site administrator.


 (1) A user-triggered action. (2) The corresponding code to implement it.

(see also
usecase handler

 Java class which is used to implement the functionality provided by a *=>usecase*.


 see *=>access control*


 As of Lenya 2.0, documents are stored based on a universally unique ID (UUID), not on their location. All internal links now use UUIDs as well. This means that links don't break when documents are moved around, and moving documents does not entail data shuffling in the repository.


 A particular state of a document with a time stamp, used in *=>revision control*.


 A sequence of actions necessary to accomplish a task. For instance, in order to move a page from the authoring to the live area, an editor must *submit* it. A reviewer can then *reject* it (it gets sent back to the editor for some more polishing) or *publish* it, in which case the page moves to the live area.

To move a page back from live to authoring, a reviewer must deactivate it. Afterwards, it can either be re-published or deleted.
Workflow transitions are typically invoked when a =>usecase is executed. Moreover, in a workflow context, "usecase" is sometimes used as a synonym for "workflow transition".

In Lenya, the workflow of a document is controlled by a finite state machine with arbitrary states, transitions, and events, which is expressed using XML. Each resource type can use its own workflow schema. You can implement custom conditions to be checked before a transition can fire, this requires custom java code.


 The Lenya staging server under []. It hosts the Lenya demos and the latest auto-generated docs from SVN.


To do

New terms coined for this section

Are there better, already established terms for these concepts? If so, let's use them instead and get rid of these new ones.