Data Specification 2.0

Draft 1, 2015-08-03

This is the DeviceMap Data specification for patterns and attributes.


This document goes over how DeviceMap Data 2.0 is defined and how the classifiers process input against the data.

The classification process is broken down into three phases:

The following definitions are used:

input string::

the string to be classified

token stream::

the list of tokens that result from the Input Parsing phase


a complete pattern definition with an id, type, rank, and pattern tokens

pattern tokens::

the individual pattern strings which comprise a pattern type

pattern type::

defines how the pattern tokens must be matched against the token stream

matched tokens::

pattern tokens which are successfully matched in the token stream

pattern rank::

ranks the pattern against other patterns


a pattern which has successfully matched a pattern type in the token stream

pattern set::

the set of all patterns described in the pattern file


some kind of persistant representation of the settings described in this document


a versioned pattern and attribute file


a software implementation which implements this specification

Input Parsing

This step parses the input string and creates the token stream.

Each pattern file defines these input parsing rules:


Type: list of transformers
Optional. Default: none


Type: list of token seperator strings
Optional. Default: none


Type: integer, greater than zero
Optional. Default: 1

The input string first gets processed thru the transformers. Then it gets tokenized using the configured seperators. Then ngram concatenation happens. The final result of these 3 steps is the token stream.


Empty tokens are removed from the tokenization step.

When a token is added to the token stream, it can be processed by the pattern matching step before moving on to the next token. This algorithm is pipeline and thread safe.

If the Ngram{{`Concat}}`Size is greater than 1, ngrams must be added to the token stream ordered largest to smallest.


InputTransformers: Lowercase(), ReplaceAll(find: '-', replaceWith: '')
TokenSeparators:   [space]
NgramConcatSize:   2

Input string:  'A 12 x-yZ'

Transform:     'a 12 xyz'

Tokenization:  a, 12, xyz

Ngram:         a12, a, 12xyz, 12, xyz

Pattern Matching

This step processes the token stream and returns the highest ranking candidate pattern.

The pattern file defines a pattern set. All patterns in the pattern set are evaluated to find the candidates.

Each pattern has 2 main attributes, its pattern type and its pattern rank. The pattern type defines how the pattern is supposed to be matched against the token stream. The pattern rank defines how the pattern ranks against other patterns.

All the pattern types in 2.0 are prefixed with 'Simple'. This means that each pattern token is matched using a plain byte or string comparison. No regex or other syntax is allowed in Simple patterns. This allows the algorithm to use simple byte or string hashing for matching. This gives maximum performance and scaling complexity equal to a hashtable implementation. A Simple{{`Hash}}`Count attribute can be optionally defined which hints the classifier as to how many unique hashes it would need to generate to support the pattern set.

Pattern attributes:


Type: string


Type: string


Type: integer, -1000 to 1000
Optional. Default: 0.


Type: string


Type: list of pattern token strings

Pattern set attributes:


Type: string
Optional. Default: none


Type: integer, greater than zero
Optional. Default: none. Must be defined before the pattern set.


The following pattern types are defined:


Each pattern token must appear in the token stream in index order, as defined in the PatternTokens list. Its okay for non matched tokens to appear inbetween matched tokens as long as the matched tokens are still in order.


Each pattern token must appear in the token stream. Order does not matter.


Only one pattern token must appear in the token stream.


The following rank types are defined:


Strong patterns are ranked higher than Weak and None. The RankValue is ignored and they are ranked by their position in the pattern stream. Specifically, the last matched token position. The lower the position, the higher the rank. When a Strong pattern is found, the pattern matching step can stop and this pattern can be returned without analyzing the rest of the stream. This is because its impossible for another pattern to rank higher.


Weak patterns are ranked below Strong but above None. A Weak candidate can only be returned in the absence of a Strong candidate. Weak candidates always rank higher than None candidates, regardless of their Rank{{`Value. The Rank}}`Value is used to rank between other Weak patterns.


None patterns are ranked below Strong and Weak. A None candidate can only be returned in the absence of Strong and Weak candidates. The RankValue is used to rank between other None patterns.

In the case where 2 or more candidates have the same Rank{{`Type and Rank}}`Value resulting in a tie, the candidate with the longest concatenated matched pattern length is used. If that results in another tie, the candidate with the first matched token found is returned.


If no candidate patterns are found, the DefaultId is returned. If no DefaultId is defined, a null pattern is returned.

2 or more patterns may share the same PatternId. These patterns function completely independent of each other.

2 or more patterns cannot have identical Rank{{`Type, Rank}}`Value, and pattern tokens. This results in undefined behavior when the patterns are candidates since they have identical rank. The classifier is free to choose any one candidate in this situation.

New pattern types and ranks can be introduced in future specifications. If a classifier encounters a definition it cannot support, it must immediately return an initialization error.


  PatternId: p1
  RankType: Strong
  PatternType: Simple
  PatternTokens: bingo, jackpot

  PatternId: p2
  RankType: Weak
  RankValue: 100
  PatternType: SimpleOrderedAnd
  PatternTokens: two, four, six

  PatternId: p3
  RankType: None
  RankValue: 1000
  PatternType: Simple
  PatternTokens: two, four, six

Token stream: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven
Pattern: p2

Token stream: one, two, three, six, five, four, seven
Pattern: p3

Token stream: one, two, three, four, five, six, bingo, seven
Pattern: p1

Attribute Retrieval

This step processes the result of the Pattern Matching step. The PatternId is used to look up the corresponding attribute map. The PatternId and the attribute map are returned.

Attributes can inherit other attribute maps by using a parent field. Attributes defined by the child will override matching parent attributes.

Attribute Transformers

An attribute map can contain attributes values which are parsed out of the input string. This is done by configuring the attribute as a set of transformers. The attribute can also have a default value if the transformers return an error.


If no attribute map is found, an empty map is used. The patternId must always be returned with the attributeMap. patternId is a reserved attribute name for this purpose.

If a null pattern is returned from the previous step, this must be properly returned to the user. A null pattern must be discernible from a user defined pattern.


Transformers accept a string, apply an action, and then return a string. If multiple transformers are defined in a set, the outputs and inputs are linked together. Transformers are used in the input parsing phase and the attribute retrieval phase.

Transformers can cause errors. Errors in input parsing are fatal, input parsing is immediately stopped and an error is returned to the user. Errors in attribute retrieval are okay. The error is written to \[attribute\]_error and the attribute is set to the default value, if configured, or a blank value. \[attribute\]_error is a reserved attribute name.

The following transformer functions are supported:


Description: converts the input to all lowercase
Return: the input in lowercase


Description: converts the input to all uppercase
Return: the input in uppercase


Description: replace the first occurrence of a string with another string
Parameter - find: the substring to replace
Parameter - replaceWith: the string to replace 'find' with
Return: the string with the replacement made


Description: replace all occurrences of a string with another string
Parameter - find: the substring to replace
Parameter - replaceWith: the string to replace 'find' with
Return: the string with the replacements made


Description: return a substring of the input
Parameter - start: the starting index, 0 based
Parameter - maxLength: optional. If defined, the maximum amount of characters to return.
Return: the specified substring
Error: if 'start' is out of bounds


Description: split the input and return a part of the split
Parameter - delimiter: the delimiter to use for splitting. If not found, the entire string is part 0. Empty parts are ignored.
Parameter - get: the part of the split string to return, 0 based index. -1 is the last part.
Return: the specified part of the split string
Error: if the 'get' index does not exist


Description: checks if the input is a number
Return: the input string
Error: if the input is not a number


New transformers can be introduced in future specifications. If a classifier encounters a definition it cannot support, it must immediately return an initialization error.


Input string: 'aaa bbb 123 ccc'


SplitAndGet(delimiter: 'ccc', get: 0)
Result: 'aaa bbb 123 '

SplitAndGet(delimiter: ' ', get: -1)
Result: '123'

Result: '123'

Patch Files

The pattern and attribute files can be patched with a user created pattern and attribute file. In this case, parsing configurations override, the pattern sets get appended (you can override using pattern ranking), and attributes override using the PatternId.

Patch files must be passed in during startup initialization. After startup, a domain cannot be patched.

Test Suites

Test suites can be configured to test input against a client on a specific domain.

Test suite attributes:


Type: string


Type: string


Type: a list of tests

Test attributes:


Type: string


Type: string


Type: an attribute map

When a client runs a test suite, it needs to load the associated domain and then iterate thru each test, running the input string against the domain and then checking the resulting PatternId and attributes against the expected results.

A client must report several metrics on completion of the test suite:

A client passes a test suite if all tests are completed and there are no failed tests.

A client must also show failure when:

The DeviceMap project will provide reference domains with test suites and a reference client. All clients must pass the reference test suites to be considered a valid client. All domains must provide a suitable test suite which passes on the reference client to be considered a valid domain. Therefor, any valid client can run any valid domain.


Clients must do the following:

Note that a client will only be required to initialize a domain (and possible patches) at startup time. After a client has initialized itself, the client is allowed to put the configured domain in a read only mode and reject anything which would change the domain functionality.

Also, detecting errors outside of the required failure states is at the discretion of the client. A client can assume that only well formed domains which pass on the reference client will be used.

A client must also:

Clients can be contributed to the DeviceMap project. They will be reviewed, tested, and then voted on. There will only be 1 official client per language/platform. If a client does not exist for a given language/platform, then contributing one is highly encouraged. If a client exists, then bugs, improvements, features, and/or rewrites should be directed to said client.


The pattern, attribute, and test files are JSON objects. All files will contain:

Pattern File

  "specVersion": 2.0,
  "type": "pattern|patternPatch",
  "domain": "example",
  "domainVersion": "1.0",
  "description": "this is an example pattern file",
  "publishDate": "2015-06-19T09:17:37Z",
  "inputParser": { InputParser },
  "patternSet": { PatternSet },
  "attributes": [ { Attribute }, { Attribute }, ... ]

Note that defining attributes in a pattern file is optional. Attributes defined in the actual attribute file will override attributes defined in the pattern file.


  "transformers": [ { Transformer }, { Transformer }, ... ],
  "tokenSeperators": [ "1", "two", "3" ],
  "ngramConcatSize": 2


  "defaultId": "someid",
  "simpleHashCount": 1400,
  "patterns" [ { Pattern }, { Pattern }, ... ]

Note that Simple{{`Hash}}`Count must be defined before Patterns to facilitate efficient JSON stream parsing.


  "patternId": "someid",
  "rankType": "Strong|Weak|None",
  "rankValue": 150,
  "patternType": "SimpleOrderedAnd|SimpleAnd|Simple",
  "patternTokens" [ "token1", "token2", "token3", ... ]


  "type": "UpperCase|LowerCase|IsNumber|ReplaceAll|...",
    "param1": "value1",
    "param2": "value2",

Attribute File

  "specVersion": 2.0,
  "type": "attribute|attributePatch",
  "domain": "example",
  "domainVersion": "1.0",
  "description": "this is an example attribute file",
  "publishDate": "2015-06-19T09:17:37Z",
  "attributes": [ { Attribute }, { Attribute }, ... ]


  "patternId": "somePatternId",
  "parentId": "somePatternId",
    "attribute1": "value1",
    "attribute2": "value2",
    "transformedAttribute1": { TransformedAttribute },
    "transformedAttribute2": { TransformedAttribute },


  "defaultValue": "some default value",
  "transformers": [ { Transformer }, { Transformer }, ... ]

Test File

  "specVersion": 2.0,
  "type": "test",
  "domain": "example",
  "domainVersion": "1.0",
  "description": "this is an example test file",
  "publishDate": "2015-06-19T09:17:37Z",
  "tests": [ { Test }, { Test }, ... ]


  "input": "some input string",
  "resultPatternId": "somePatternId",
    "attribute1": "value1",
    "attribute2": "value2",