Release checklist

  1. Review:
  2. Test that your environment and settings: mvn clean install -Papache-release
  3. Do a dry run: mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true
  4. Inspect pom.xml.tag. This is the release pom.
  5. Publish the snapshot: mvn deploy
  6. Clean the release: mvn release:clean clean
  7. Prepare the release: mvn release:prepare
  8. Stage the release: mvn release:perform
  9. Login to: (Sonatype), find the release and close it
  10. Start a \[VOTE\] thread, include links to the release artifacts, the tag, JIRA issues, and README.

  11. Release the repo in Sonatype
  12. svn checkout and checkin the release artifact
  13. Update the website with the new maven and dist urls