Apache Rave is a widgets-based, web-and-social mashup platform.

There are no issues requiring the board's attention.

We held a community meetup and hackathon at ApacheCon NA that was attended by most of the active committers.  Members of the community plan on attending Apache BarCamp Boston in May.  

03/25/13 - Erin Noe-Payne was added as a new committer & PMC member.

03/12/13 - 0.20.1 was released to address CVE-2013-1814
02/14/13 - 0.20 was released
01/16/13 - 0.19 was released

Activity in the last reporting period has increased over the period prior to it.  Most of the work and discussions are related to simplification of all aspects of the software and were initiated by proposals that were the result of conversations held at ApacheCon.  

In March, a security vulnerability (CVE-2013-1814) was reported to the PMC for which a point release was made.