Coverage Report


Class scope

Class %




trunk5 r566713

all public API

68% (1648/2421)

61% (16737/27307)

59% (338675/572291)


trunk5 r566713

public API except JMX,ORB,XML

86% (1621/1893)

71% (16637/23570)

66% (337549/511018)


branch6 r566010

all public API

68% (1678/2480)

62% (17256/28027)

59% (346435/583330)


branch6 r566010

public API except JMX,ORB,XML

86% (1648/1925)

71% (17151/24137)

66% (345272/520446)


Report Generation

a. instrumentation
EMMA will modify all (or part of) .class files of JApp (not include JAppTest), and generate metadata file (coverage.em in current folder by default). By the metadata file, EMMA can know which classes will be considered, what methods and how many blocks they have. By the modified (instrumented) class files, EMMA can collect coverage data when running test.
b. test running
run JAppTest on the instrumented classes of JApp, EMMA will automatically record how many blocks and what methods in what classes are covered. The coverage data file ( will be stored in the main folder of test suite.
c. report generation
generate report by the metadata from a) and record data from b).

EMMA Customization

Customize for BTI adaptor

This emma.jar is only modified for BTI emma instrument adaptor.We tell this emma to find kernel.signature.list from ${java.home} rather than from parameter of -Dkernel.signature.list=${location}.

Any comment about the modified source code is highly welcome.