DRLVM Regression Tests

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Building Regression tests

Running Regression tests


Regression tests consist of tests written to test conditions found by specific VM bugs. So each test has a bug number in its package name.

Regression tests located in directories three started from trunk/working_vm/src/test/regression/tests.

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Building Regression tests

To build Regression tests you need just to run them in any configuration. Even running one test case compiles all the tests in the suite.

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Running Regression tests

All Regression tests run with

ant reg.test


There are common rules of running all of the Regression tests.

You can set binary configuration through a command line option or an environment variable:

export BUILD_CFG=[release|debug]

By default 'debug' mode is set.

Each regression test has its own specific run file which contains the modes for test execution. For example some tests run in server mode or server_static mode. So specifying -Dtest.mode like in other VM test suites makes no effect.

Also you can specify a given test to be run, for example:


The known point is that if you what to run the test from direct command without ant adaptors, then get execution command from ant debug output, for example with the following command:

ant -d reg.test

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