
Article describing how to setup a Mac OS X (Leopard) development environment for Harmony.


Xcode is a suite of development tools for Mac OS X.

Install and setup Xcode Developer Tools. This can either be done from the Mac OS X installation disc or the latest copy can be downloaded from Apple Developer Connection.


MacPorts is a tool for downloading, installing and configuring various open-source libraries and applications that have been ported to Mac OS X.

  1. Install and setup MacPorts.
  2. Open up a terminal window
  3. If you installed MacPorts via the package installer, verify your environment variables are setup correctly
    1. Invoke 'env'
    2. Verify that the 'PATH' variable begins with '/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin'; if not, then edit your '.profile' file and add them.
    3. Verify that the 'MANPATH' variable begins with '/opt/local/share/man'; if not, then edit your '.profile' file and add it.
  4. Invoke 'sudo port install lcms'; this installs the LCMS library
  5. Invoke 'sudo port install libpng'; this installs the PNG library
  6. Invoke 'sudo port install jpeg'; this install the JPEG library
  7. Invoke 'sudo port install libxml2' this install the XML v2 library