This page describe the detail of non-unit-test of instrument.

How to build a test

A.Create a test class, e.g, "". Do something in method main().

B.Create a class with a method "Premain":

public static void premain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst);

"inst" is one instance of the implement of Instrument in Harmony. You can test any function of the Instrumentation here.

C.Create a jar file, e.g, "test.jar", with Premain-class attribute which denotes the class "PreMain" in the manifest. It is convenience to pack "PreMain.class" in it.

An example:

(1)create a manifest called Manifest with such content:

Manifest-Version: 1.0

Created-By: 1.5.0_06 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)

Premain-Class: PreMain

Boot-Class-Path: .

(2)create the jar: jar cvfm Test.jar Manifest Premain.class

D.lauch Java VM with the following options:

java -agentlib:Path InstrumentDLLName=test.jar Main

Here VMPath is the path of InstrumentDLLName; InstrumentDLLName is the name(without suffix) of a instrument dll file

If Launcher with parameter "-javaagent" is ready, then we can lauch:

java -javaagent:test.jar Main

Test descriptions