Memory Management in Apache Harmony

Role of memory management

Memory manager in Harmony VM provides the support of automatic memory management. Basically it provides support for Java application to create object. It also reclaim dead objects when the Java heap's free space is low. This is necessary because Java heap size is finite. Actually the main job of memory manager is dead object reclamation, since the allocation part is rather simpler. That is why the automatic memory management is usually called Garbage Collection in runtime community. Besides freeing memory, garbage collection can also improve the object access locality by rearranging the live objects in the heap. This role is increasingly important along with the evolution of modern platforms.

Collector and mutator

The thread entity that conducts garbage collection in the VM is called Garbage Collector, or simply collector. As a contrast, the Java thread is called mutator, because it reads and writes the heap contents. Collector and mutator contend for heap modifications.

Modular design of Harmony GC

Harmony DRLVM architecture has a good modular GC component design. GC can be built as a shared object (or dynamic linked library) and plugged into the VM, as long as the GC is written by following the defined interface between VM and GC. Here is a GC Developer's Guide giving step by step instructions on writing a simple GC from the scratch.

Existing GC implmenentations

Currently there are three independent garbage collection modules implemented in Harmony DRLVM. They are GCv4, GCv4.1, and GCv5. All of them are stop-the-world garbage collection.

Harmony GCv5 Design Overview


GCv5 partitions the heap space into NOS (nursery object space), MOS (mature object space), and LOS (large object space). The boundaries between them are dynamically adjustable by GC automatically according to the space utilization. Normal objects are only allocated in NOS, or LOS if the size is bigger than a threshold. MOS is used to for the survivors in NOS.

In GCv5, all the spaces inherit from a common space class. One the important space type is blocked space, where the space is arranged in fixed-size blocks. Block size is a compilation-time parameter, and is always two's power. Currently, the space is always continuous and the blocked space assumes the blocks are contiguous. In future, GCv5 may remove this assumption.


There are basically two modes of collections: minor and major. Minor collection copies live objects from NOS to MOS. Major collection compacts NOS and MOS, and sweeps LOS. There are other modes of collections for special situations. When the NOS is inadequate to accommodate MOS survivors during a minor collection, the collection will transition into a major collection. This is called fallback collection. When GC discovers that LOS and MOS are not equally fully utilized, it will trigger an extension collection, which extends either LOS or MOS, and shrink the other one.


GCv5 uses by default depth-first copying algorithm in minor collection. It supports also breadth-first copying and allocation-order copying as well. Major collection in GCv5 has two implementations, one is classic LISP2 compactor, the other is 2-pass compactor. Both of them are fully parallelized while preserving the slide-compact property.

Runtime adaptation

Parallel load balance

GCv5 developed a couple of load balance mechanisms in past. Now only pool-sharing is kept by default. The other two candidates that might be applied in future are work-stealing and task-pushing. Task-pushing uses the idea of Communicating Sequential Process (CSP) for parallel task assignment among the collectors. Pool-sharing is somehow similar to work-packet mechanism, but pool-sharing is depth-first order, which is believed to have better access locality.


Below is a presentation on Harmony GCv5 design overview and status:

Harmony GCv5 Code Overview

Source tree structure

GCv5 is under Harmomy working_vm/vm directory with name gc_gen. It has two top level sub-directories: javasrc and src.

Directory javasrc has some Java source code implemented by GCv5, which are used by JIT to inline the fast path of frequent GC operations. Since those GC helpers inlining is only conducted for -server mode of Harmony, this directory can be skipped initially by GC developers, and more explanation will be given later.

Directory src has the main body of GCv5 implementation. Basically GCv5 is written in pure C language. The files under src directory are C source and header files, although they use .cpp suffices and have not been tested with a C compiler.

The subdirectories under src consists of the following:

Finalizer Subsystem

The processings of finalizer and weak reference are similar and closely related. Here the finalizer subsystem includes also the weak reference support in GC, so I would call them finref subsystem interachangeably with finalizer subsystem.

Finalization processing

Finalizer processing includes following major activities:

Finalization load balance

One tricky scenario needs special handling. If a mutator keeps producing objects with finalizer, and the finalizers are not able to be executed on time, the heap space will be consumed by dead objects waiting for being finalized. Then the application will casue Out-of-memory exception.

There are two solutions in Harmony for this situation. One is to create more finalizing threads to compete with the mutators for processor resource, and hopefully executing more finalizers than generated by the mutators. The other is to block the guilty mutators until the queue of finalizable objects are shortened by finalizing threads. GCv4.1 adopts the first solution, while GCv5 adopts the second solution.

GCv5 64-bit Support

Harmony GCv5 was originally designed with 32-bit architecture in mind. In first quarter of 2007, it was enhanced to "support" 64-bit platforms. I use the quotation mark because the support is only available in a specifial form, i.e., it only works in compressed reference mode.

Compressed reference

Normally in current available 64-bit machines, people's applications usually run with limited heap size, smaller than 4GB. That means, although the platform gives a potential of 4TB heap space, we use only a portion of it, which can be covered in a 32-bit address range. This observation enlightened the idea of compressed reference, where the runtime uses 32-bit compressed address for object reference representation. The real address is an addition of the 32-bit address value and a heap base address value. And this heap base address' compressed value is zero. In order to distinct this zero value from the NULL reference, we simply avoid to have the zero value by setting the heap base address a few bytes lower than real heap start address.

We encode all the reference fields in 32-bit compressed mode, and we also use 32-bit to encode vtable field in object header. Since the obj_info field is kept 32-bit in both platforms, the total object header overhead remains two 32-bit words (or one 64-bit word).

Object reference

The "compressed reference" is only a form of object reference representation. There is no requirement in JVM specification on the reference representation. To have it 32-bit or 64-bit or whatever is completely JVM internal design issue. It is possible to have hybrid reference representations. The only deciding factor is the cost-efficency in both space and time.

With this in mind, GCv5 defines REF type for an object reference. GC has no idea about the layout (or physical meaning) of a REF value, except it is an object reference. Anytime when the collector accesses a reference, it always calls ref_to_obj_ptr() to convert the REF value to a real address pointer. Conversely, the collector needs to call obj_ptr_to_ref() to encode an address into a reference. The real encoding rule is decided by the implementation of this function. In a 32-bit platform, this function can simply return the same value untouched. In a 64-bit platform, it can compress the pointer.

Currently REF is defined as a 32-bit value type. This is not necessarily to be the only option.