1. Download the suite and the tools
svn checkout http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/harmony/enhanced/buildtest/trunk/tests/vts
svn checkout http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/harmony/enhanced/buildtest/trunk/tests/tools

2. Setup the suite

cd vts/vm/build
ant setup

2a. Build the suite

Go to vts/vm/build. Edit tested.runtime property in build.properties to point to the java executable you are planning to test. Execute ant fetch-depends build-vts command in your preferred command line. Results

3. Run the suite and evaluating the results

To run VTSVM go to vts/vm/build and execute ant run-tests. After test suite run is finished, you can review the results in vts/dest directory.

4. Run an individual test.

VTSVM infrastructure is not suitable for running individual VTSVM tests. If you are in need of running individual test you have two options.

First, you can do (1) and (2), and run your java, pointing class path to vts/VTS-built and specifying the test with its package name.

Second, you can checkout exactly the test you want to run (look in WebSVN for VTSVM for exact path to the test directory), remove package names from test sources, build it locally and run as regular Java program.

Then you have to obtain exit code to see if the specified VTSVM test has passed. 104 indicates SUCCESS, 105 indicates FAILURE, 106 indicates UNEXPECTED, all other exit codes indicate some failure not related to test itself.