Feel free to add your software/website here if it makes use of Lucene. Please do not add your website if it uses Lucene merely indirectly, e.g. if you make use of a blog publishing system which in turn uses Lucene. We reserve the right to remove links where it isn't visible that Lucene is used, so consider adding a text like "powered by Lucene" to your search result page.

Note to spammers: don't bother adding your site here, we're using the appropriate meta tags so search engines will ignore the links anyway. Also note, if you don't at least provide some hint at how you use Lucene (i.e. by mentioning the word for instance), your link will be treated as spam. For example: Site Foo uses Lucene to provide search and highlighting.

Applications and web applications using Lucene include (alphabetically), see below for usage of Lucene on web sites:

Web sites using Lucene include (alphabetically):