I've installed DCC but I never seem to get DCC hits, even though I should. Why?

If you have installed DCC, and are running spamassassin or spamd without the "-L" switch, you should be seeing hits in spam reports.

Check your firewall setup. DCC uses UDP packets when replying, which are blocked by most firewalls by default. As a result, it requires that you open your firewall for DCC reply packets on UDP port 6277. Here's sample firewall rules required:

      allow udp local gt 1023 to remote 6277
      allow udp remote 6277 to local gt 1023

If you're running a large site, processing upwards of tens of thousands of messages a day, the DCC maintainers have requested that you consider setting up your own DCC server as described in dccd(8), and arrange to peer with the rest of the public servers, to reduce their load.