{{{#!wiki red/solid Please note: the JMeter Maven plugin is a 3rd party product; it is not part of the Apache JMeter project

JMeter Maven Plugin

This is a Maven 2/3 plugin that allows you to run JMeter tests as part of the build.

Install the Plugin

This plugin is available from the maven central repository, as long as you have a working install of maven you only need to create a valid pom.xml that references this plugin.

Basic Configuration

Executing the Plugin

External Links

The source code for this plugin can be found at https://github.com/jmeter-maven-plugin/jmeter-maven-plugin

The official website is available at http://jmeter.lazerycode.com

The github wiki has more detailed configuration information and is available at https://github.com/jmeter-maven-plugin/jmeter-maven-plugin/wiki