Note: Solr already includes a working demo server in the example directory that you may use as a template. See the tutorial for more info.

These instructions are for setting up Solr in a different servlet container.


General Setup

For information on working with more then one index, or more then one instance of Solr, please see MultipleIndexes.

Servlet Container or Environment Specific Tips

The following wiki pages provide helpful tips for using Solr in various Servlet Containers...

The following wiki pages provide helpful tips on using Solr in some specific environments...

Live CD/ Software Appliances for Solr

Here is a ready to deploy software appliance for Solr available in Live CD, HDD/USB Stick Image, Virtual Image for Vistualbox/Vmware/Xen/Amazon EC2 formats. Saves you time to install and configure Solr and lets you get started within minutes.