	// VERSION SolrUpdate 0.200
	// Written by Brian Lucas, use any which way you see fit.
	//   This class performs an update on an existing Solr repository
	// It uses the handy ADODB database library, but you can substitute your own if you prefer.
	// ADODB makes dealing with SQL much nicer than the php mysql_ calls and handy if you switch databases.
	// http://adodb.sourceforge.net/

	// SQL TABLE Notice:
	// Inside your table that stores the primary key for your data or each record, create a tinyint(1) (or enum) flag 
	// called "index_flag".  Ex:
	// ALTER TABLE `stories` ADD `index_flag` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL ;
	// This will allow the update process to continue where it left off in case there is an error.
	// Example usages:
	// From the command line
	require_once("config.php"); // config file
	$solr = new SolrUpdate;
	? >
	// From within a PHP function

	$solr = new SolrUpdate();
	$array = array();
	$array['story_id'] = $story_id;
	$array['group_id'] = $group_id;
	$array['lucene_date'] = $lucene_date;
	$array['title'] = $title;

// Change this to your server
define('SOLR_META_UPDATE', '');

class SolrUpdate {
	// This function will update your solr index with information stored in the database.  
	// Use addIndex to add data from a function call.
	function updateIndex () {
		global $DB;

		list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
   		$start = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
		$current_count = 0;
		$batch_interval = 100;
		$limit = 5000;
		$continue_index = true;
 		echo "Preparing to build index...";

		while ($continue_index) {

			if ($loop_control++>50) break; //loop infinity control, change if this aborts for you

			$failed = false;
			$continue_index = false;

			// this is the query we are going to use to populate our index
			$dropSql = "drop table if exists temp_story_keywords";
			$ok = $DB->Execute($dropSql);
			if (!($ok)) echo "ERROR".$DB->ErrorMsg()." sql:".$dropSql;
			// this is the query we are going to use to populate our index
			$createSql = "create table temp_story_keywords engine=memory select story_keywords.story_id from story_keywords where story_keywords.index_flag=0 limit $limit";
			$ok = $DB->Execute($createSql);
			if (!($ok)) echo "ERROR".$DB->ErrorMsg()." sql:".$createSql;
			// this is the query we are going to use to populate our index
			$selectSql = "select keywords story from (temp_keywords, keywords) where keywords.story_id = temp_keywords.story_id";

			$rs = $DB->Execute($selectSql);
			if (!($rs)) echo "ERROR".$DB->ErrorMsg()." sql:".$selectSql;

			echo "Building index...";
			while ($array = $rs->FetchRow()) {
				if(!$failed) {
					$result_array[] = $array;
					$modcount = $current_count % $batch_interval;
					if ($modcount == 0) {
						echo ".";
						$ok = $this->addIndex($result_array);
						if (!$ok) {
							$failed = true;
							echo "Error, restarting...";
						$result_array = array();
					} // end if
			} // end while
			if (!$failed) {
				// this is the query that updates the tables
				echo "Updating and committing ".$limit." records...";
				$updateSql = "update story_keywords, temp_story_keywords set story_keywords.index_flag=1 where story_keywords.story_id = temp_story_keywords.story_id";
				$ok = $DB->Execute($updateSql);
				if (!($ok)) echo $DB->ErrorMsg()." sql:".$updateSql;
				// commit the data
				if ($ok) {
					echo "Success.";
				} else {
					echo "Failed.";
		} // end while
		// this is the query we are going to use to populate our index
		$finalDropSql = "drop table if exists temp_story_keywords";
		$ok = $DB->Execute($finalDropSql);
		if (!($ok)) echo $DB->ErrorMsg()." sql:".$finalDropSql;
		list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
   		$end = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
		$retElapsed = ($end -  $start)*1000;
		$docsec = $current_count/(($retElapsed)/1000);

		echo "Done indexing. Took ".($retElapsed)." ms to index $current_count documents (".$docsec." docs/sec)";
		echo "Optimizing index...";
	} // end function
	// Use this function to add data from a php call. 

	// Example usage:
	$solr = new SolrUpdate();
	$array = array();
	$array['story_id'] = $story_id;
	$array['group_id'] = $group_id;
	$array['lucene_date'] = $lucene_date;
	$array['title'] = $title;
	function addIndex($resultarray) {
		$dom = new DomDocument();
		$root_element = $dom->createElement('add');
		$root = $dom->appendChild($root_element);

                // exclude these values from standard processing, handle them in special cases below
		$excludearray = array("dontincludeme");

		if($resultarray) foreach($resultarray as $num=>$array) {

			$doc_element = $dom->createElement('doc');
			$doc = $root->appendChild($doc_element);

   			foreach ( $array as $elementname => $elementvalue ) {
				if (!(in_array($elementname, $excludearray))) { // only run if this isn't excluded from processing
					if(($elementvalue != null)&&(!is_numeric($elementname))) { // ADODB passes numeric entities alongside fieldnames
						$element = $dom->createElement('field');
						$element->setAttribute('name', $elementname);
						$elementfinal = $dom->createTextNode($this->escapeChars($elementvalue));
		} // end if /foreach
		$dom_string = $dom->saveXML();
		if ($dom_string) {
			$ok = $this->sendUpdate($dom_string);
		} else {
			echo "Error with xml document";
		return $ok;
	function sendCommit() {

		// Choose what type of commit you want,
		// which is non-blocking or blocking and refreshing(flush) or not

		// non-blocking, non-refreshing index
		//		$this->sendUpdate('<commit waitFlush="false" waitSearcher="false"/>');
		// blocking

	function escapeChars($string) {
        $string = str_replace("&", "&amp;", $string);
        $string = str_replace("<", "&lt;", $string);
        $string = str_replace(">", "&gt;", $string);
        $string = str_replace("'", "&apos;", $string);
        $string = str_replace('"', "&quot;", $string);		
		return $string;
        // the following update DOES work.  If you are having problems, make sure your SOLR install is working properly.
	function sendUpdate($post_string) {
		$url = "http://".SOLR_META_UPDATE."/solr/update";
		$ch = curl_init();
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$post_string);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
		$data = curl_exec($ch);
		if (curl_errno($ch)) {
			print "curl_error:".curl_error($ch);
			return false;
		} else {
			if ( strstr ( $data, '<result status="0"></result>')) {
				return true;
			} else {
				return false;
	} // end function send update
} // end class
