
(warning) Solr3.1

Simple configuration

   <dataSource type="BinURLDataSource" name="bin"/>
   <entity processor="TikaEntityProcessor" tikaConfig="tikaconfig.xml" url="${some.var.goes.here}" dataSource="bin" format="text">
      <!--Do appropriate mapping here  meta="true" means it is a metadata field -->
      <field column="Author" meta="true" name="author"/>
      <field column="title" meta="true" name="docTitle"/>
      <!--'text' is an implicit field emited by TikaEntityProcessor . Map it appropriately-->
      <field column="text"/>



Each field may have an optional attribute meta="true". Which means this field is to be obtained from the MetaData of the document. The column value is used as the key on metadata. Checkout the list of available keys from here DublinCore , MSOffice

Finding field names

To access fields that are not part of Dublin Core or OOXML you need to find their names. One quick way is to download the commandline version of Tika here and run it against the file in question.

java -jar tika-app-1.5.jar ff-1923-12.docx

Looking at the output we see that the custom meta tag called 'Testmeta' is named 'custom:Testmeta'. Output contains UTF-8 and may look strange on the console.

<meta name="custom:Testmeta" content="Innehåll"/>


use any DataSource of type DataSource<InputStream>. The inbuilt ones are

Advanced Parsing

The TikaEntityProcessor can be nested with XPathEntityProcessor for indexing documents partly


   <dataSource type="BinURLDataSource" name="bin"/>   
   <dataSource type="FieldReaderDataSource" name="fld"/>   
   <entity processor="TikaEntityProcessor" tikaConfig="tikaconfig.xml" url="${some.var.goes.here}" dataSource="bin" format="html" rootEntity="false">
      <!--Do appropriate mapping here  meta="true" means it is a metadata field -->
      <field column="Author" meta="true" name="author"/>
      <field column="title" meta="true" name="docTitle"/>
      <!--'text' is an implicit field emited by TikaEntityProcessor . Map it appropriately-->
      <field column="text"/>
      <entity type="XPathEntityProcessor" forEach="/html" dataField="text">
         <field xpath="//div"  column="foo"/>
         <field xpath="//h1"  column="h1" />

Handling custom document fields

The ability to add custom metadata to OOXML documents greatly simplifies document management and searching. Assuming we want to index a custom meta field called 'Testmeta'. You need to find out its name (see above). Then add it to the data-config.xml:

    <dataSource type="BinFileDataSource" />
            <entity name="files" dataSource="null" rootEntity="false"
            baseDir="/tmp/docs" fileName=".*.(doc)|(pdf)|(docx)"
                <field column="fileAbsolutePath" name="lux_uri" />
                <field column="fileSize" name="size" />
                <field column="fileLastModified" name="lastModified" />
                    <field column="file" name="fileName"/>
                    <field column="Author" name="author" meta="true"/>
                    <field column="title" name="title" meta="true"/>
                    <field column="text" name="text"/>
                    <field column="custom:Testmeta" name="Testmeta" meta="true"/>
                    <field column="LastModifiedBy" name="LastModifiedBy" meta="true"/>

and schema.xml:

<field name="Testmeta" type="text" indexed="true" stored="true" />

Run DataImport with debug active Dataimport to verify that the 'Testmeta' field is seen:

      "Testmeta": [
      "_version_": [