Most of the documentation on Hadoop assumes that you know some of the basic concepts and procedures involved in writing and running jobs in Hadoop. This can be very confusing at first because many of these concepts won't be things that you will have picked up unless you have used a system like Hadoop in the past.

Some notable terms that may confuse you:

    hadoop jar your-job-file-goes-here.jar

This assumes that your job file has a main class that is defined as if it were executable from the command line and that this main class defines a JobConf data structure that is used to carry all of the configuration information about your program around. The wordcount example shows how a typical map/reduce program is written. Be warned, however, that the wordcount program is not usually run directly, but instead there is a single example driver program that provides a main method that then calls the wordcount main method itself. This added complexity decreases the number of jars involved in the example structure, but doesn't really serve any other purpose.