
In the Hadoop source tree is dev-support/bin/test-patch. This is a wrapper to invoke It is possible and highly recommended to run this script locally prior to uploading a patch to JIRA. Beyond just these tips, be sure to checkout the Yetus documentation.

In order to get the full power of the tool set, you'll want to make sure that both findbugs and shellcheck are installed.


Running will show a usage message that describes all of its options. While there are many listed, there are a few key ones:

Apply and run just the basic checks in a checkout that has other stuff in it:

$ dev-support/bin/test-patch --dirty-workspace /tmp/patchfile

Apply and run the full unit test:

$ dev-support/bin/test-patch --dirty-workspace --run-tests /tmp/patchfile

Download a patch from a JIRA and run just the basic checks in a checkout that can be destroyed:

$ dev-support/bin/test-patch --resetrepo HADOOP-11820

Recommended Usage

In general, the easiest way to use is to use two repos. One repo is used to build patches. The other repo is used to to test them.

$ git diff --no-prefix trunk > /tmp/1.patch

$ dev-support/bin/test-patch --resetrepo --run-tests --basedir=/test/repo /tmp/1.patch

This will run the freshly built patch against the tests in a fresh repo.