
With HADOOP-9902, the shell script code base has been refactored, with common functions and utilities put into a shell library ( Here are some tips and tricks to get the most out of using this functionality:

The Skeleton

All properly built shell scripts contain the following sections:

  1. hadoop_usage function that contains an alphabetized list of subcommands and their description. This is used when the user directly asks for help, a command line syntax error, etc.
  2. HADOOP_LIBEXEC_DIR configured. This should be the location of where,, etc, are located.
  3. HADOOP_NEW_CONFIG=true. This tells the rest of the system that the code being executed is aware that it is using the new shell API and it will call the routines it needs to call on its own. If this isn't set, then several default actions that were done in Hadoop 2.x and earlier are executed and several key parts of the functionality are lost.
  4. $HADOOP_LIBEXEC_DIR/ is executed, where abc is the subproject. HDFS scripts should call MAPRED scripts should call YARN scripts should call Everything else should call This does a lot of standard initialization, processes standard options, etc. This is also what provides override capabilities for subproject specific environment variables. For example, the system will normally ignore, but will activate those settings.
  5. At this point, this is where the majority of your code goes. Programs should process the rest of the arguments and doing whatever their script is supposed to do.
  6. Before executing a Java program (preferably via hadoop_java_exec) or giving user output, call hadoop_finalize. This finishes up the configuration details: adds the user class path, fixes up any missing Java properties, configures library paths, etc.
  7. Either an exit or an exec. This should return 0 for success and 1 or higher for failure.

Adding a Subcommand to an Existing Script (NOT hadoop-tools-based)

In order to add a new subcommand, there are two things that need to be done:

  1. Add a line to that script's hadoop_usage function that lists the name of the subcommand and what it does. This should be alphabetized.
  2. Add an additional entry in the case conditional. Depending upon what is being added, several things may need to be done:
    1. Set the HADOOP_CLASSNAME to the Java method. b. Add $HADOOP_CLIENT_OPTS to $HADOOP_OPTS (or, for YARN apps, $YARN_CLIENT_OPTS to $YARN_OPTS) if this is an interactive application or for some other reason should have the user client settings applied. c. For methods that can also be daemons, set HADOOP_SUBCMD_SUPPORTDAEMONIZATION=true. This will allow for the --daemon option to work. See more below. d. If it supports security, set HADOOP_SUBCMD_SECURESERVICE=true and HADOOP_SUBCMD_SECUREUSER equal to the user that should run the daemon.
  3. If a new subcommand needs one or more extra environment variables:
    1. Add documentation and a commented out example that shows the default setting. b. Add the default(s) to that subprojects' hadoop_subproject_init or hadoop_basic_init for common, using the current shell vars as a guide. (Specifically, it should allow overriding!)

Adding a Subcommand to an Existing Script (hadoop-tools-based)

As of HADOOP-12930, subcommands that come from hadoop-tools utilizing the Dynamic Subcommands functionality. This allows for end-users to replace/override these utilities with their own versions as well as prevent the classpath from exploding with extra dependencies.

  1. Create a src/main/shellprofile.d directory
  2. Inside there, create a file that contains the bash functions necessary to create a Dynamic Subcommand. Note that versions that ship with hadoop need to verify that the function doesn't already exist. (See, for example, hadoop-archives/src/main/shellprofile.d)
  3. Modify the hadoop-tools assembly to copy this shellprofile.d in the correct place.
  4. To get hadoop_add_to_classpath_tools functionality to work for your command, add the following to your pom.xml. This uses the Maven dependency plug-in to create a file that the build system will use to create the file needed by that function.
              <!-- referenced by a built-in command -->

Better Practices

Standard Environment Variables

In addition to all of the variables documented in * and, there are a handful of special env vars:

About Daemonization

In branch-2 and previous, "daemons" were handled via wrapping "standard" command lines. If we concentrate on the functionality (vs. the code rot...) this has some interesting (and inconsistent) results, especially around logging and pid files. If you run the *-daemon version, you got a pid file and hadoop.root.logger is set to be INFO,(something). When a daemon is run in non-daemon mode (e.g., straight up: hdfs namenode), no pid file is generated and hadoop.root.logger is kept as INFO,console. With no pid file generated, it is possible to run, e.g. hdfs namenode, both in * mode and in straight up mode again. It also means that one needs to pull apart the process list to safely determine the status of the daemon since pid files aren't always created. This made building custom init scripts fraught with danger. This inconsistency has been a point of frustration for many operations teams.

Post-HADOOP-9902, there is a slight change in the above functionality and one of the key reasons why this is an incompatible change. Sub-commands that were intended to run as daemons (either fully, e.g., namenode or partially, e.g. balancer) have all of this handling consolidated, helping to eliminate code rot as well as providing a consistent user experience across projects. daemon=true, which is a per-script local, but is consistent across the hadoop sub-projects, tells the latter parts of the shell code that this sub-command needs to have some extra-handling enabled beyond the normal commands. In particular, supportdaemonization=true sub-commands will always get pid and out files. They will prevent two being run on the same machine by the same user simultaneously (see footnote 1, however). They get some extra options on the java command line. Etc, etc.

So where does --daemon come in? The value of that is stored in a global called HADOOP_DAEMON_MODE. If the user doesn't set it specifically, it defaults to 'default'. This was done to allow the code to mostly replicate the behavior of branch-2 and previous when the * code was NOT used. In other words, --daemon default (or no value provided), let's commands like hdfs namenode still run in the foreground, just now with pid and out files. --daemon start does the disown (previously a nohup), change the logging output from HADOOP_ROOT_LOGGER to HADOOP_DAEMON_ROOT_LOGGER, add some extra command line options, etc, etc similar to the * commands.

What happens if daemon mode is set for all commands? The big thing is the pid and out file creation and the checks around it. A user would only ever be able to execute one hadoop fs command at a time because of the pid file! Less than ideal.

To summarize, supportdaemonization=true tells the code that --daemon actually means something to the sub-command. Otherwise, --daemon is ignored.

1-... unless HADOOP_IDENT_STRING is modified appropriately. This means that post-HADOOP-9902, it is now possible to run two secure datanodes on the same machine as the same user, since all of the logs, pids, and outs, take that into consideration! QA folks should be very happy.

A New Subproject or Subproject-like Structure

The following files should be the basis of the new bits:

This contains the new, common configuration/startup bits. At a minimum, it should contain the bootstrap stanza for and a function called hadoop_subproject_init that does the actual, extra work that needs to be done. Variables should be HADOOP_(project)(whatever) and should be initialized based off of the standard HADOOP* variables.

User-facing commands, those should be in bin. Administrator commands should be in sbin. See the skeleton example up above on how to build these types of scripts.

Ideally, this should follow the pattern already established by the other * files. Entries in it can also be in to provide for a consistent and much easier operational experience.