Deploying Jetspeed 2 to JBoss


Until we have deployment goals for Jetspeed 2's Maven build, you will need to install by hand. (Oh, stop yer' whinning! (wink) )

This has only been tested on JBoss 3.2.5 w/Tomcat so your milleage may vary.

  1. Perform the standard maven allBuild
  2. Expand the /portal/target/jetspeed.war into jboss/server/default/deploy/jetspeed.war (directory)
  3. For the demo portlets to show up you will need to copy the following 6 wars into jboss/server/default/deploy/jetspeed.war/WEB-INF/deploy
  4. Copy these 5 jars into jboss/server/default/lib
  5. copy the JBoss datasource definition of your choice from /portal/src/resources to jboss/server/default/deploy/
  6. replace JBoss' hsqldb.jar with Jetspeed's, or drop in MySQL driver into jboss/server/default/lib
  7. In jetspeed-spring.xml, locate the bean with the id="". Comment out the current bean defintion, which is targeted at Tomcat 4/5, and uncomment the bean defintion below that one, which is targeted at JBoss.

Important Note on JBoss Classloading and Jetspeed 2

Jetspeed 2 requires classloader isolation. This is switched on via this entry in /portal/src/webapp/WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml:


Alternate Instructions for Fusion (and J2)

Since moving the commons jars out of JBoss's server/default/lib, I had to take a different approach. IF the above procedure fails, try this one:

This has only been tested on JBoss 3.2.5 w/Tomcat so your milleage may vary.

  1. Perform the standard maven allBuild
  2. Expand the /portal/target/jetspeed.war into jboss/server/default/deploy/jetspeed.war (directory)
  3. For the demo portlets to show up you will need to copy the following 6 wars into jboss/server/default/deploy/jetspeed.war/WEB-INF/deploy
  4. Copy these 5 jars into jboss/server/default/lib
  5. Move these 2 jars out of jetspeed.war/WEB-INF/lib into jboss/server/default/lib
  6. copy the JBoss datasource definition of your choice from /portal/src/resources to jboss/server/default/deploy/
  7. replace JBoss' hsqldb.jar with Jetspeed's, or drop in MySQL driver into jboss/server/default/lib
  8. In jetspeed-spring.xml, locate the bean with the id="". Comment out the current bean defintion, which is targeted at Tomcat 4/5, and uncomment the bean defintion below that one, which is targeted at JBoss. Remove all arguments.
  9. don't forget the MySQL driver if using it. Copy it into jboss/server/default/lib

More detailed instructions

Can be found at for Jetspeed 2 M1 on JBoss 3.2.3, 3.2.5, 3.2.6, 4.0.1 and Jetspeed 2 M2 on JBoss 4.0.1.