VelocityTools is a sub-project which contains extensions aimed at solving common web and non-web problems. VelocityTools 1.3 is the latest stable release. VelocityTools2 is also now available in alpha form.


Velocity Tools 1.3 and Velocity Tools 2.0-alpha1 are available

Both source and binary distributions are available for download through the the usual Apache mirror sites. Please remember to verify the signatures of the distribution using the keys found on the main Apache website when downloading from a mirror.

Useful Links

Contributed Code and Examples

Old Contributed Code (for use with old versions of VelocityTools)

Velocimacro Library

The mailing list often has questions/suggestions for for common macros. We'd like to gather the good ones in our VelocimacroLibrary. (smile) And this is a Wiki, so contributions are very welcome!