
There's been numerous discussion on how to implement a new more compact binary protocol. The discussions become hard to follow after a while so this page is intended to be used as an easy to use summary that can later be formalized into different options and finally become a specification. Help needed to fill this page with further details, suggestions and pros/cons for each suggestion.

Implementation suggestions

Encode i32 and i64 types saved as variable size integers




ZIP encoding (variable length encoding) for only positive values

save a max of 3 bytes for small ints

user has to specify the new type

Base 128 + zigzag, borrow from protocol buffers?


user has to specify whether zigzag needs to be used for efficiency

As the user knows best about his data he can choose whichever he wants and save bytes. This means we need more type modifiers for these types

Remove / reduce the size of field prefix tags




Reduce from 3 bytes per field to 1 byte, see mail

Retains versioning support

Only good for dense structs
Breaks down if type modifiers/hints need to go into type field

1-byte type-and-modifier, variable length int for field id



Drop field prefix altogether

saves tons of space

no versioning is possible

Use a per-struct variable length bitset to specify which all fields present . Preserve type info

Saves 1 bit/field and adds 1 byte/ 7 fields

Bad for sparse objects
Implies fields must be ordered by id in encoding

Type changes




ZIP encoding (variable length encoding) for only positive values

save a max of 3 bytes for small ints

user has to specify the new type

Unsigned integers

Would alleviate need for separate zigzag type

Unsigned ints don't exist in all languages

Type annotations

Allows us to specify encoding details about the fields/types that the protocols may or may not use


Variable ints for string, binary, and collection sizes

Will often shrink to one or two bytes


Have two types BOOLEAN_TRUE and BOOLEAN_FALSE instead of type and value

Save a byte on every boolean


Better usage of type byte

If we spent one whole byte for type it is quite a waste considering we have ~15 types . That is a wastage of almost 4 bits on EACH field. Let us have two types of types. One with extra information and one which does not . Let us take the 5 least significant bit (LSB) to represent them. Let us make use of the 3 most significant bits (MSB) for types with extra information









The 5 LSB (green) could be used for these types

The 3 MSB (red) can be used for a max 7 types. The 5 MSB can be used in these types for length ,value etc (depending on the type)

Information sources

2008 jan mail thread

jira ticket
