Notes on the MyFaces Core 1.2.1 Release

Release manager: Leonardo Uribe




Here's how you can help us test the distribution.

The 1.2.x trunk gets built nightly, and the jarfiles deployed to the Apache Maven2 snapshot repository. You can therefore always download the latest jars here:

If you are using maven 2.x for building your own application, then you can just configure this repository:

Configure a <repository> for Maven 2:

           <name>Apache Snapshot Repository</name>

And declare a dependency on the 1.2.1 snapshots:


Note: Maven 2.0.4 will not download a new version if one is already present in your local repository. You will need to delete $M2_REPO/org/apache/myfaces/core to force Maven to download the new version. (Usually, $M2_REPO is <your home directory>/.m2/repository .)

Test your application, then, let us know the results (good or bad!) on dev at (You must be subscribed to post. See:

Distribution bundles are generated nightly for some MyFaces projects and made available here:

However this isn't yet working for myfaces-core (either 1.1.x or 1.2.x). Hopefully that will come soon..


Proposed Release Announcement


== Diary ==

1. Download, add my GPG and replace this file on /www/

scp KEYS

2. Preparing shared 3.0.1

are trying to release this version.

mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag=3_0_1 -DdryRun=true

[INFO] Can't release project due to non released dependencies :
in project 'MyFaces Shared Project' (org.apache.myfaces.shared:myfaces-shared-project:pom:3.0.1-SNAPSHOT)

mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag=3_0_1 -DdryRun=true
mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag=3_0_1 -Dresume=false

        [INFO] Unable to find artifact.

    Embedded error: Unable to download the artifact from any repository

    Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

    Then, install it using the command:
            mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.myfaces.shared -DartifactId=myfaces-shared-core \
                -Dversion=3.0.1 -Dclassifier=sources -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file
        Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file there:     mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=org.apache.myfaces.shared -DartifactId=myfaces-shared-core \
                -Dversion=3.0.1 -Dclassifier=sources -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file \
                 -Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id]


mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag=3_0_1 -Dresume=false -o
cd core
cd target
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.myfaces.shared -DartifactId=myfaces-shared-core -Dversion=3.0.1 -Dclassifier=sources -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=myfaces-shared-core-3.0.1-sources.jar
mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag=3_0_1 -Dresume=false 
mvn clean deploy -Psign-artifacts -Dpassphrase=??? 

[INFO] Error deploying artifact: Error executing command for transfer

Exit code 255 - Warning: Identity file /home/leonardo/.ssh/id_rsa not accessible: No such file or directory.
Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).

mvn clean deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=myfaces-local-staging::default::scp://localhost/home/lu4242/stage/repo -Psign-artifacts -Dpassphrase=???

3. Let's rollback all, create shared/branches/3_0_1prepare and core/branches/1_2_1prepare to avoid change trunks directores (better release and translate changes manually on trunk).

4. Preparing share 3.0.1 again

mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag=3_0_1 -DdryRun=true
mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag=3_0_1 -Dresume=false

5. Preparing core 1.2.1

mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag=1_2_1 -DdryRun=true
mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag=1_2_1 -Dresume=false

        [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        [INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

        1) org.apache.myfaces.core:myfaces-api:jar:tests:1.2.1

      Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

[maven-release-plugin]  copy for tag 3_0_1

6. Deploy shared and core on local repo

mvn clean deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=myfaces-local-staging::default::scp://localhost/home/lu4242/stage/repo -Psign-artifacts -Dpassphrase=??? 
mvn clean deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=myfaces-local-staging::default::scp://localhost/home/lu4242/stage/repo -Psign-artifacts -Dpassphrase=??? 
   cd home/lu4242/stage/repo
   scp -p -r org

7. Some bug fixes made, so we need to do all steps again from, starting from copy trunks to prepare paths and try again

8. Preparing share 3.0.1 again

mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag=3_0_1 -DdryRun=true
mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag=3_0_1 -Dresume=false

9. Preparing core 1.2.1

mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag=1_2_1 -DdryRun=true
mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag=1_2_1 -Dresume=false

10. Deploy shared and core on local repo

mvn clean deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=myfaces-local-staging::default::scp://localhost/home/lu4242/stage/repo -Psign-artifacts -Dpassphrase=??? 
mvn clean deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=myfaces-local-staging::default::scp://localhost/home/lu4242/stage/repo -Psign-artifacts -Dpassphrase=??? 


11. JIRA release management (1.2.1-SNAPSHOT --> 1.2.1)

12. Vote while TCK test passes

13. Errors on trunk and need to release org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild maven-faces-plugin

14. Preparing trinidad-maven plugins

mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag=lu4242-126-release -DdryRun=true
mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag=lu4242-126-release -Dresume=false

        [INFO] -----------------------------------------------------------------
        [INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

        1) org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild:maven-faces-plugin:jar:1.2.6

15. Deploy as written in POM SUCCESS!!

mvn clean source:jar install deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=myfaces-local-staging::default::scp://localhost/home/lu4242/stage/repot -Prelease

16. Move LICENSE and NOTICE to META-INF folder in trunk SUCCESS!!!

17. Rename again on core prepare and others to do all tasks again (The changes previously done affects just core release and not shared, so shared is fine)

18. Preparing core 1.2.1

mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag=1_2_1 -DdryRun=true
mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag=1_2_1 -Dresume=false

19. Deploy shared and core on local repo

mvn clean deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=myfaces-local-staging::default::scp://localhost/home/lu4242/stage/repo -Psign-artifacts -Dpassphrase=??? 
mvn clean deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=myfaces-local-staging::default::scp://localhost/home/lu4242/stage/repo -Psign-artifacts -Dpassphrase=??? 
   cd home/lu4242/stage/repo
   scp -p -r org

20. JIRA release management

21. Message on vote to announce fix for these two problems


I was running the needed tasks to get the 1.2.1 release of Apache
MyFaces core out. This mail is to make clear that the vote still
continues and the problems
discussed before already has been solved.

Please note that this vote concerns all of the following parts:
 1. Maven artifact group "org.apache.myfaces.shared" v3.0.1  [1]
 2. Maven artifact group "org.apache.myfaces.core" v1.2.1  [1]

The artifacts are deployed to my private Apache account ([1]).

Please take a look at the "1.2.0" artifacts and vote!

Please note: This vote is "majority approval" with a minimum of three
+1 votes (see [3]).

[ ] +1 for community members who have reviewed the bits
[ ] +0
[ ] -1 for fatal flaws that should cause these bits not to be released,
  and why..............

Leonardo Uribe


22. Vote for maven trinidad plugins


I was running the needed tasks to get the 1.2.6 release of Trinidad
Plugins out.

This task is necessary for release Myfaces 1.2.1, because it uses faces plugin.

Please note that this vote concerns all of the following parts:
 1. Maven artifact group "org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild" v 1.2.6 [1]

The artifacts are deployed to my private Apache account ([1]).

Please take a look at the "1.2.6" artifacts and vote!

Please note: This vote is "majority approval" with a minimum of three
+1 votes (see [3]).

[ ] +1 for community members who have reviewed the bits
[ ] +0
[ ] -1 for fatal flaws that should cause these bits not to be released,
  and why..............

Leonardo Uribe


23. Ok +1 votes necessary to release, so close vote and start distribution

24. Generate assembly

cd 1_2_1
mvn install -Pgenerate-assembly
cd assembly
mvn assembly:assembly -Psign-artifacts -Dpassphrase=??? 

openssl md5 myfaces-core-1.2.1-src.tar.gz > myfaces-core-1.2.1-src.tar.gz.md5
openssl md5 >
openssl sha1 myfaces-core-1.2.1-src.tar.gz > myfaces-core-1.2.1-src.tar.gz.md5
openssl sha1 >
gpg --armor --output myfaces-core-1.2.1-src.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig myfaces-core-1.2.1-src.tar.gz
gpg --armor --output --detach-sig

openssl md5 myfaces-core-1.2.1-bin.tar.gz > myfaces-core-1.2.1-bin.tar.gz.md5
openssl md5 >
openssl sha1 myfaces-core-1.2.1-bin.tar.gz > myfaces-core-1.2.1-bin.tar.gz.md5
openssl sha1 >
gpg --armor --output myfaces-core-1.2.1-bin.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig myfaces-core-1.2.1-bin.tar.gz
gpg --armor --output --detach-sig

25. Vote closed trinidad plugins, starting distribution

26. JIRA release managment

27. Vote closed myfaces core, starting distribution

cd /home/lu4242/public_html/sources
cp * /www/
cd /home/lu4242/public_html/binaries
cp * /www/

28. Rollback changes because TCK did not pass.