MyFaces JSR-252 (JSF 1.2) Development Page

The MyFaces team is building a compliant, high-quality, implementation of the JSR-252 (JSF 1.2) spec that passes the JSF 1.2 TCK.

You can build the implementation with the following command lines:

svn co
cd current12
mvn clean install

You can get the latest public version of the JSF 1.2 spec here.

Jira Tasks

All tasks related to the JSF 1.2 effort have JSR-252 in the Components field. You can view all of the MyFaces tasks here.

Every issue from the JSR-252 expert group that resulted in a spec change has been entered as a Jira task. However, there are spec changes that don't fit neatly into a single expert group issue number. So, some tasks might not have an EG reference. You can browse all of the JSR-252 Expert Group issues here.

New JSF 1.2 Dependencies

*JDK 1.5 (JSE 5)
*JSP 2.1 (click here for info and the spec)
*JSTL 1.2 (click here for info and the spec)
*JSF 1.2 "mostly" requires Servlet 2.5. However, there is only one minor API change in 2.5 and it shouldn't affect JSF as long as you aren't using JSP. It has been reported that the Sun JSF 1.2 reference implementation does work with Servlet 2.4 and Facelets. (click here for info and the spec)
*JEE 5 marks the beginning of JSF inclusion in the JEE stack. There are some enterprise features of JSF 1.2 that are required for JEE 5. These features are not required to pass the JSF stand-alone TCK but will be required for the full JEE 5 TCK.