This tag allows partial validation and model update. Components will be validated and updated only if either a child-component of this form caused the submit of the form, or an extended commandLink or commandButton with the actionFor attribute set to the client-id of this component was used. There can be several comma-separated entries in the actionFor attribute with this, it's possible to validate and update more than one subForm at once.

Main attributes

actionFor - with this attribute, it's possible to validate and update more than one subForm at once.

preserveSubmittedValues - if true means not keeping any entered value if submitted another subform.

Sample Usage



<t:subForm id="subFormId1">

<h:inputText value="#{bean.value}" />

<t:commandButton value="Submit subForm1"/>


<t:subForm id="subFormId2">

<h:inputText value="#{anotherBean.value}" />

<t:commandButton value="Submit subForm2"/>


<t:commandButton value="Submit subform1" actionFor="subFormId1"/>

