The Official Tomahawk Site

The official site for the Tomahawk library can be found at

This page is a community-maintained page that contains additional information and errata (corrections) for information on the above site.

Configuring your JSP or JSPX pages to use Tomahawk

Instructions on how to use Tomahawk components in your application can be found at the official site: There is further information on the MyFaces_1.1.0_Tomahawk_Components page.

Tomahawk can be used with the non-standard (but very nice) Facelets project (an alternative to JSP or JSPX for your pages). You can find more information on the Use Facelets with MyFaces and Use_Facelets_with_Tomahawk pages.


*validateCreditCard: validate that a String is a valid credit card number
*validateISBN: validate that a String is a valid ISBN number
*validateRegExpr: general validator that checks compliance with a regular expression
*validateEmail: validate that a String is an email address
*validateCompareTo: validate that the current component value compares to another component's value in a certain way. (validateEqual contains a subset of this component's functionality.)


Tomahawk offers an extended versions of the standard components, and a number of more advanced additional components. To see tomahawk examples in action, go to:

Extended Version of Standard Components

All standard components have an equivalent version in Tomahawk. These extended versions feature additional attributes.

Extended features:

*User-role_Awareness Render the component visible and/or enabled based on the user-roles of the current user.
*DisplayValueOnly Toggle between output/input mode
*forceId Do not let JSF generate an assembled id of the ids of the component and its parents, instead use the provided id.
*ExtendedMessagesSupport Messages automatically replace the id of the message with the corresponding label or column header.

The following standard components have been additionally enhanced:

*PanelGrid can span cells

Advanced Additional Components

*AliasBean: introduce variables in a limited scope inside a JSF page (also used to pass parameters to include files)
*AliasScope: see AliasBean
*Collapsible Panel
*Document Tags: document, documentHead, documentBody
*Html Editor
*Javascript Listener


The sandbox is growing really fast and the list below is terribly outdated. You really need to download the nightly build to see all the exciting stuff it contains. Daily builds of sandbox examples can be found at: (go to "MyFaces Sandbox Examples latest build")




Historical Information

The very early releases (pre 1.1.0) of the above components were called "myfaces-extensions", not Tomahawk.