Notes on the Tomahawk 1.1.7 Release

Release manager: Leonardo Uribe




Here's how you can help us test the distribution.


== Tasks ==

== Proposed Release Announcement ==


  1. Preparing tomahawk 1.1.7
mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag="1_1_7" -DdryRun=true
mvn release:prepare -DtagBase= -Dusername=lu4242 -Dscm.password=??? -Dtag="1_1_7" -Dresume=false

2. Deploy on local repo SUCCESS

mvn clean install deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=myfaces-local-staging::default::scp://localhost/home/lu4242/stage/repotomahawk117 -DperformRelease=true

3. Copy on

scp -p -r org

scp tomahawk-1.1.7-bin*
scp tomahawk-1.1.7-src*
scp tomahawk12-1.1.7-bin*
scp tomahawk12-1.1.7-src*

scp tomahawk-examples-1.1.7-bin*
scp tomahawk-examples-1.1.7-src*

4. Ask for vote (FAILED, made changes and run steps 1 to 3 again)


I was running the needed tasks to get the 1.1.7 release of Apache
MyFaces Tomahawk out.

Release notes can be found at [4].

Please note that this vote concerns all of the following parts:
 1. Maven artifact group "org.apache.myfaces.tomahawk" v1.1.7 [1]

The artifacts are deployed to my private Apache account ([1]).

There is also binary and source packages available on [2]

Please take a look at the "1.1.7" artifacts and vote!

Please note: This vote is "majority approval" with a minimum of three
+1 votes (see [3]).

[ ] +1 for community members who have reviewed the bits
[ ] +0
[ ] -1 for fatal flaws that should cause these bits not to be released,
 and why..............

Leonardo Uribe


5. Ask for vote


I was running the needed tasks to get the 1.1.7 release of Apache
MyFaces Tomahawk out.

All suggestions on previous vote were applied, so we try again it.

Release notes can be found at [4].

Please note that this vote concerns all of the following parts:
 1. Maven artifact group "org.apache.myfaces.tomahawk" v1.1.7 [1]

The artifacts are deployed to my private Apache account ([1]).

There is also binary and source packages available on [2]

Please take a look at the "1.1.7" artifacts and vote!

Please note: This vote is "majority approval" with a minimum of three
+1 votes (see [3]).

[ ] +1 for community members who have reviewed the bits
[ ] +0
[ ] -1 for fatal flaws that should cause these bits not to be released,
 and why..............

Leonardo Uribe


6. Vote success, continue with the procedure

7. Deploy on

mvn clean install deploy -DperformRelease=true 

8. copy svn branch to tag

9. update site

10. copy assemblies on /www/ and /www/

10. ANNOUNCE mail

The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the release of Apache MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.7.

MyFaces Tomahawk provides a series of JavaServer Faces components that go beyond the JSF specification. These components are compatible with the Sun JSF 1.1 Reference Implementation (RI) or any other JSF 1.1 compatible implementation. Of course the custom components can also be used with the Apache JSF implementation "MyFaces Core 1.1.6".

There are also artifacts (tomahawk12) with enhanced compatibility with JSF 1.2

MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.7 is available in both binary and source distributions.


MyFaces Tomahawk is also available in the central Maven repository under Group ID "org.apache.myfaces.tomahawk".

Release notes:


    * [TOMAHAWK-6] - MyFaces FileUpload Issues
    * [TOMAHAWK-63] - having two or more <x:inputFileUpload> in the same form results in the <h:commandButton>'s action never being executed.
    * [TOMAHAWK-64] - Allow t:htmlTag to support an attributes string.
    * [TOMAHAWK-79] - Add facelets support for all Tomahawk components
    * [TOMAHAWK-117] - dataScroller bug when using ADF - navigation icons not clickable
    * [TOMAHAWK-406] - <t:collapsiblePanel> does not allow valueChangeListener
    * [TOMAHAWK-477] - newspaperTable: newspaperColumns does not works with value bindings
    * [TOMAHAWK-520] - TabbedPane Component creates two tags with the same id
    * [TOMAHAWK-523] - rowStyleClass does not resolve to an EL of var
    * [TOMAHAWK-530] - imageLocation of inputCalendar does not work
    * [TOMAHAWK-542] - forceId does not work on dataTable
    * [TOMAHAWK-689] - Style attributes do not apply to popup
    * [TOMAHAWK-698] - PPRPanelGroup Post-Information is submitted twice when using PPR
    * [TOMAHAWK-717] - Tabbed Pane: dataModel inside tabs is not updated when switching between tabs and coming back
    * [TOMAHAWK-726] - popup calendar position wrong when in relative container
    * [TOMAHAWK-728] - newspaperColumns attribute ignores EL expression
    * [TOMAHAWK-735] - ForceId does not work in inputCalendar anymore
    * [TOMAHAWK-750] - Raized ClassCastException when Comparing 2 InputDate with validateCompareTo
    * [TOMAHAWK-777] - DataScroller breaks facets functionality when using trinidad default renderkit
    * [TOMAHAWK-784] - user specified onclick contents not rendered in panel tabs
    * [TOMAHAWK-802] - HtmlInputDate does not have methods to set onchange, onblur and other such attributes
    * [TOMAHAWK-872] - t:collapsiblePanel fails to toggle
    * [TOMAHAWK-888] - NPE when using AjaxAnywhere
    * [TOMAHAWK-907] - Incorrect behaviour of HtmlInputText with ajax
    * [TOMAHAWK-914] - t:dataTable style attributes don't work with Facelets
    * [TOMAHAWK-917] - t:columns example is wrong
    * [TOMAHAWK-942] - Renderer set in extended html component jsp tag handler rather than in component class
    * [TOMAHAWK-953] - Panel Stack example fails with Message: There is more than one JSF tag with id : treePanel for parent component with id : 'stack'
    * [TOMAHAWK-955] - Tomahawk CORE components + tags errors (missing attributes, missing EL-support, missing saving/restoring)
    * [TOMAHAWK-962] - disabled commandLink render id attribute twice
    * [TOMAHAWK-964] - Seconds are random when input via <t:inputDate ... type="short_time">
    * [TOMAHAWK-966] - PPR examples containing commandLinks produce javascript errors in clientSide validation
    * [TOMAHAWK-968] - Interaction with inputCalendar component causes proliferation of commandLinks if running under ICEFaces.
    * [TOMAHAWK-969] - Partial Refresh does not work if triggerButton comes after the last PPRPanelGroup
    * [TOMAHAWK-971] - Schedule throws a java.lang.IllegalStateException if more than one post back is made consecitively when using the jsf 1.1 ri
    * [TOMAHAWK-974] - <pprPanelGroup> does not work inside <dataTable>
    * [TOMAHAWK-975] - t:schedule HeaderDateFormat locale problems
    * [TOMAHAWK-979] - ExcelExport - correct name for the downloaded file
    * [TOMAHAWK-982] - SelectOneRow missing disabled and readonly attributes as described in TLD (patch provided)
    * [TOMAHAWK-986] - The SharedRenderer fails to get the Default Locale when a headerDateFormat is specified
    * [TOMAHAWK-990] - sandbox modalDialog component doesn't hide underlying comboboxes on IE when viewId specified
    * [TOMAHAWK-996] - /schedule.HtmlSchedule/javascript/domLib.js causes flicker for :hover css in IE 7
    * [TOMAHAWK-1009] - DataScoller - FastForward has borderline issues
    * [TOMAHAWK-1016] - ParameterResourceProvider do not encode the value
    * [TOMAHAWK-1022] - HtmlMessage and HtmlMessages fails unit test when using RI
    * [TOMAHAWK-1023] - HtmlInputHidden fails unit test when using RI
    * [TOMAHAWK-1024] - t:commandButton does not cause rendering of oamSetHiddenInput javascript function
    * [TOMAHAWK-1026] - Panelnavigation does not close items
    * [TOMAHAWK-1027] - JScookmenu is generating malformed HTML when usign ThemeOffice theme
    * [TOMAHAWK-1029] - jsCookMenu does not work inside Trinidad's tr:form
    * [TOMAHAWK-1035] - preserveDataModel=true throws ClassCastException (with Trinidad)
    * [TOMAHAWK-1038] - Sources jar is not generated
    * [TOMAHAWK-1044] - UIScheduleBase wont' compile with Java 1.4.2 - unsupported method Integer.parseInt(int)
    * [TOMAHAWK-1046] - t:collapsiblePanel doesn't work inside a t:panelTabbedPane and a s:subform.
    * [TOMAHAWK-1047] - Myfaces example PanelNavigation Item toggles activ/open depending on ViewId (with Trinidad)
    * [TOMAHAWK-1050] - NullPointerException in <s:ifMessage/>
    * [TOMAHAWK-1052] - PPRPanelGroup does not render transient components in partial update
    * [TOMAHAWK-1053] - PPRPanelGroup does not execute JavaScript which is rendered within partial responses
    * [TOMAHAWK-1054] - JavaScript includes don't work with PPRPanelGroups
    * [TOMAHAWK-1055] - After recent changes to pprPanelGroup, the full submit didn't work anymore
    * [TOMAHAWK-1057] - imageLocation doesn't run correctly
    * [TOMAHAWK-1063] - MF 1.2.0 -- Compatibility issues with the combination MF1.2.0 & JSP & Tomahawk & Tomcat 6
    * [TOMAHAWK-1069] - I get a JspException: Template outputText_begin.ftl not found when using the 1.1.7 snapshot of tomahawk sandbox
    * [TOMAHAWK-1074] - InputSuggestAjax only works when itemLabelMethod is specified
    * [TOMAHAWK-1076] - Invalid border-width property ignored in Calendar CSS
    * [TOMAHAWK-1079] - detailFormat attribute is feeding the wrong value to the {0} argument
    * [TOMAHAWK-1085] - AJAX requests from PPRPanelGroup ignore the Encoding type
    * [TOMAHAWK-1087] - datatable dont renders a detail correct if a UIColumns is used
    * [TOMAHAWK-1096] - Latest JsCook Menu is broken when using Tomahawk
    * [TOMAHAWK-1102] - Race Condition in Schedule component
    * [TOMAHAWK-1109] - classes and customization not working
    * [TOMAHAWK-1110] - Action / ActionListener on t:headerLink
    * [TOMAHAWK-1111] - PasswordStrength Component doesnot run correctly on IE7
    * [TOMAHAWK-1116] - ColumnClasses styles is ignored
    * [TOMAHAWK-1123] - s:convertNumber conversion errors with INFO level reported
    * [TOMAHAWK-1127] - actionFor attribute doesn't trim parsed values
    * [TOMAHAWK-1129] - ReducedHTMLParser: wrong line numbers
    * [TOMAHAWK-1141] - InputHtml does not work at all?
    * [TOMAHAWK-1142] - Extra TD / LI rendered fpr paginator if using singleTable or singleList layout
    * [TOMAHAWK-1143] - Tree2 renders nonconformant XHTML code
    * [TOMAHAWK-1147] - IllegalStateException while using the Arabic locale
    * [TOMAHAWK-1150] - <t:columns sortable="true" ...> fails with an exception
    * [TOMAHAWK-1151] - passwordStrenght - Elementr End name:tr does not match start name:TR - Trinidad
    * [TOMAHAWK-1153] - t:messages style attribute is ignored and styleClass attribute is rendered as style attribute in output
    * [TOMAHAWK-1156] - UIColumns component must be a child of a UIData component
    * [TOMAHAWK-1157] - tableSuggestAjax not render with trinidad
    * [TOMAHAWK-1165] - Calendar - cannot be cast
    * [TOMAHAWK-1167] - s:toggleLink onclick="..return false;"
    * [TOMAHAWK-1168] - HTML incorrect for non-single element layout of data scroller
    * [TOMAHAWK-1169] - In simple layout no linebreaks should be added
    * [TOMAHAWK-1174] - broken pipe message when ExtensionsFilter is serving resources to Internet Explorer
    * [TOMAHAWK-1176] - XmlTemplate fails when filename contains spaces on WindowsXP
    * [TOMAHAWK-1179] - Tree2 renders duplicate Id's for icons - incompatible w/ JSF 1.2 RI (patch attchd)
    * [TOMAHAWK-1184] - Vertical Week Divider incorrectly rendered in IE
    * [TOMAHAWK-1186] - Java 5.0 method in schedule's renderer
    * [TOMAHAWK-1187] - submitOnEvent callback can not bind to bean method
    * [TOMAHAWK-1188] - many HtmlCheckbox rendered with the same id with HtmlSelectManyChecbox spread layout
    * [TOMAHAWK-1190] - Exception in t:columns
    * [TOMAHAWK-1192] - ClassCastException in inputHtml
    * [TOMAHAWK-1195] - In IE6, threw Error while serving resource: calendar.HtmlCalendarRenderer/DB/drop1.gif, after popup Calendar. Then the data will not be submitted.
    * [TOMAHAWK-1198] - submit a t:datatable accurred NullPointerException In org.apache.myfaces.component.html.ext.HtmlDataTable.updateModelFromPreservedDataModel
    * [TOMAHAWK-1200] - Infinite loop when empty table with detailStamp is rendered
    * [TOMAHAWK-1203] - Subform Javascript does not work when subform is contained within an iterator
    * [TOMAHAWK-1204] - PPRPanelGroup encodeChildren does not render
    * [TOMAHAWK-1209] - HtmlCalendar.getLocalizedLanguageScript called form HtmlDateRenderer throws ClassCastException
    * [TOMAHAWK-1210] - this.stdDateFormatter javascript is null
    * [TOMAHAWK-1211] - Incorrect property method name in HtmlDataTable - detail stamp stuff
    * [TOMAHAWK-1218] - ClassCastException in PPRPhaseListener when submitting out of a dataTable
    * [TOMAHAWK-1219] - validateEquals compares the wrong values
    * [TOMAHAWK-1225] - data lost in dataList when conversion error is thrown
    * [TOMAHAWK-1226] - PPRPanelGroup support for multiple forms in a page is broken
    * [TOMAHAWK-1227] - PPRPanelGroup event reconnecting broken when there are multiple forms
    * [TOMAHAWK-1228] - Nested PPRPanelGroups don't render their children on a PPR request
    * [TOMAHAWK-1234] - IllegalStateException while using the Arabic locale with Calendar
    * [TOMAHAWK-1236] - in <t:datatable> "columnClasses" property doesn't render EL expressions
    * [TOMAHAWK-1240] - inputCalendar popup mode broken for IE5.5 by commit r619397 on 2008-02-07
    * [TOMAHAWK-1253] - buffering not supported in the portal environment.
    * [TOMAHAWK-1266] - t:stylesheet renders link to an empty page on tomcat-5.5.24 and above
    * [TOMAHAWK-1279] - The Partial condition of the subform sandbox component is not working
    * [TOMAHAWK-1287] - The change of Schedule component API will break the compatibility (upgrade from Tomahawk 1.1.6)
    * [TOMAHAWK-1289] - HtmlDataScroller should inherit UIPanel instead HtmlPanelGroup
    * [TOMAHAWK-1290] - Images broken in inputDate popup
    * [TOMAHAWK-1291] - t:graphicImage doesnot generate XHTML complaint code
    * [TOMAHAWK-1294] - Typo in message when detailMessage and message are both set.
    * [TOMAHAWK-1300] - Focus does not work for radio button or check box
    * [TOMAHAWK-1303] - Wrong documentation for ExtensionsFilter init-param
    * [TOMAHAWK-1309] - t:panelTab onclick attribute doesn't seem to work
    * [TOMAHAWK-1314] - Escape attribute in radio and checkbox not working
    * [TOMAHAWK-1319] - DefaultTemplateEncoder does not cache FreeMarker templates
    * [TOMAHAWK-1321] - obsolete t:newspaperTable does not render colums as spected on 1.1.7-SNAPSHOT
    * [TOMAHAWK-1325] - Avoid rendering intervals outside the start hour/end hour range
    * [TOMAHAWK-1326] - Exception using schedule with tomahawk 1.2


    * [TOMAHAWK-449] - URL Validator does not accept simple web addresses
    * [TOMAHAWK-584] - Improve the Tree 2 documentation
    * [TOMAHAWK-758] - Enable traditional submit for exceptions during partial update to show error pages
    * [TOMAHAWK-790] - Aliasbean warning/error when no EL expression in the alias property
    * [TOMAHAWK-807] - documentBody needs id, style and styleClass attributes
    * [TOMAHAWK-811] - Have the 'schedule' component deal with timezones
    * [TOMAHAWK-915] - Base default event used by submitOnEvent on enclosing component type
    * [TOMAHAWK-918] - Url for jscookmenu has changed on xdocs.
    * [TOMAHAWK-941] - Make ExcelExport work for suffixes other than *.jsf, for example when using *.faces or *.xhtml
    * [TOMAHAWK-944] - Maven examples assembly build should also create an examples source archive
    * [TOMAHAWK-945] - Split the PPR Example into smaller easy to understand Examples with explanations
    * [TOMAHAWK-946] - HtmlCheckboxRenderer - change method access modifier
    * [TOMAHAWK-954] - HtmlRadioRenderer - change method access modifier
    * [TOMAHAWK-981] - ReducedHTMLParser - log details about malformed end tag
    * [TOMAHAWK-992] - Allow DefaultAddResource.parseResponse() to be overridden to not use ReducedHTMLParser
    * [TOMAHAWK-1004] - some groupBy enhancements for datatable
    * [TOMAHAWK-1048] - ValidatorException should display submitted values
    * [TOMAHAWK-1060] - Refactor AbstractScheduleModel to allow lazy initialisation
    * [TOMAHAWK-1065] - Enabled switching out the template renderer. Removed runtime-dependencies on Freemarker, if templated components are not used.
    * [TOMAHAWK-1066] - Add Week Header (Mon, Tue, ...) to Month View mode
    * [TOMAHAWK-1077] - The PasswordStrength component update - 2
    * [TOMAHAWK-1086] - Add the new theme Gray and update the jsCookMenu.js from version 1.31 to 2.0.3
    * [TOMAHAWK-1089] - PPRPanelGroupRenderer should obtain the encoding from the responseWriter rather than the request
    * [TOMAHAWK-1097] - Add blocking of periodical refresh to PPR during a traditional POST
    * [TOMAHAWK-1098] - Facelet taglib for image loop component.
    * [TOMAHAWK-1101] - PasswordStrength Component Custom Security Rule
    * [TOMAHAWK-1103] - PasswordStrength Component Documentation
    * [TOMAHAWK-1115] - Adding Tiles2 support to tomahawk
    * [TOMAHAWK-1119] - add autocomplete attribute to InputTextHelp
    * [TOMAHAWK-1137] - Stopp uploading empty files
    * [TOMAHAWK-1146] - Include Complete and Correct Taglib file for Facelets
    * [TOMAHAWK-1162] - Support day suffix in schedule headers
    * [TOMAHAWK-1163] - Support select-week and select-month in tomahawk calendar
    * [TOMAHAWK-1164] - Make schedule keyboard accessible
    * [TOMAHAWK-1189] - Allow the schedule entry CSS class to be determined by the entry
    * [TOMAHAWK-1194] - SelectOneRow: The attribute GroupName can't contain EL
    * [TOMAHAWK-1196] - Only include javascript resources when schedule tooltip is enabled
    * [TOMAHAWK-1197] - Use DIVs rather than a table for the layout of each compact day cell
    * [TOMAHAWK-1205] - PPR does not work commandLinks nested inside a dataTable
    * [TOMAHAWK-1212] - CAPTCHA component - Enhancement #1
    * [TOMAHAWK-1216] - CAPTCHA component - Enhancement #2 - Removing the dedicated servlet
    * [TOMAHAWK-1220] - GraphicImageDynamic refactoring
    * [TOMAHAWK-1231] - Unification of excelExport and pdfExport components into a new (exporter) component
    * [TOMAHAWK-1235] - Refactoring Calendar component
    * [TOMAHAWK-1237] - Changing the structure of exporter component
    * [TOMAHAWK-1238] - CAPTCHA component - Enhancement #3 - Adding width, height attributes to CAPTCHA.
    * [TOMAHAWK-1246] - Adding more randomization power to CAPTCHA styles
    * [TOMAHAWK-1252] - The Exporter new syntax
    * [TOMAHAWK-1259] - Component generation using myfaces builder plugin for 1.1
    * [TOMAHAWK-1262] - Converter and Validator Tag generation
    * [TOMAHAWK-1265] - Avoid usage of @JSFComponent parent="org......", correcting the hierarchy of components
    * [TOMAHAWK-1267] - exporterActionListener new feature
    * [TOMAHAWK-1275] - MyFaces extensions filter creates a session
    * [TOMAHAWK-1285] - Add validator property generation using abstract pattern like components using myfaces-builder-plugin
    * [TOMAHAWK-1288] - Add Event and Universal properties to t:div
    * [TOMAHAWK-1301] - render ids of radio buttons

New Feature

    * [TOMAHAWK-420] - String Case Converter
    * [TOMAHAWK-577] - the weekends are showing in a compressed way, it would be nice to have an option to make it appear just like normal week days
    * [TOMAHAWK-724] - User defined intervals in schedule detailed views
    * [TOMAHAWK-732] - Allow schedule to display in 24hr or 12hr
    * [TOMAHAWK-820] - New attribute buttonStyleClass in Sandbox SelectManyPicklist
    * [TOMAHAWK-1010] - Allow the sandbox examples to be build with the different configurations (1.1 and 1.2 for both myfaces and ri)
    * [TOMAHAWK-1028] - Enable inputs submitting a ppr-panelgroup - in a data-table as well
    * [TOMAHAWK-1033] - Add triggers to start periodcialUpdate
    * [TOMAHAWK-1042] - The PasswordStrength component
    * [TOMAHAWK-1043] - Adding a PPRPhaseListener.addTriggeredComponent() method to allow manually adding triggered sections on the server
    * [TOMAHAWK-1112] - Toaster Component
    * [TOMAHAWK-1114] - Gives control over text and sie of the add / remove buttons of SelectManyPicklist
    * [TOMAHAWK-1155] - Arabizing the Tomahawk Calendar
    * [TOMAHAWK-1160] - MyFaces Tiles integration has not been working with Tiles 2 - now it does
    * [TOMAHAWK-1181] - allow to embed a datatable within the parent
    * [TOMAHAWK-1193] - add columnId to t:column
    * [TOMAHAWK-1207] - CAPTCHA
    * [TOMAHAWK-1215] - Add a communication channel for FacesMessages to the PPRPanelGroup
    * [TOMAHAWK-1229] - PDF Export Component
    * [TOMAHAWK-1241] - Rating component
    * [TOMAHAWK-1242] - Draggable Panel
    * [TOMAHAWK-1243] - Masked InputText component
    * [TOMAHAWK-1244] - Spinner component
    * [TOMAHAWK-1245] - inputColor component
    * [TOMAHAWK-1247] - Media component
    * [TOMAHAWK-1297] - Redirect to a JSF page when Throwable exception or error occur
    * [TOMAHAWK-1308] - Adding (remove/add) all feature to <t:selectManyPickList .../>
    * [TOMAHAWK-1315] - Focus feature for toggleLink


    * [TOMAHAWK-528] - Project not listed in Apache's project catalog
    * [TOMAHAWK-1256] - exporterActionListener documentation
    * [TOMAHAWK-1268] - Updating exporterActionListener documentation
    * [TOMAHAWK-1269] - Promoting CAPTCHA to Tomahawk 1.1.7
    * [TOMAHAWK-1271] - Documenting the s:xmlTemplate component for promoting it to Tomahawk
    * [TOMAHAWK-1277] - Documenting the picklist component
    * [TOMAHAWK-1278] - promoting the subform component to Tomahawk
    * [TOMAHAWK-1281] - selectOneRow documentation
    * [TOMAHAWK-1282] - Promoting the selectManyPicklist component to Tomahawk
    * [TOMAHAWK-1293] - promoting the selectOneRow component to Tomahawk
    * [TOMAHAWK-1299] - promoting the xmlTemplate component to Tomahawk
    * [TOMAHAWK-1323] - Tomahawk extensions code should not parse web.xml
    * [TOMAHAWK-1324] - New classes should have @since annotations, and classes not intended to be part of the tomahawk "api" should be marked appropriately
