

In case you are using the default KiWi backend, it actually uses a relational database.

So you can use the tools already offered by them, in case of !PostgreSQL:

sudo -u postgres pg_dump NAME -F c -Z 9 > path/to/backup/marmotta-db-NAME-backup-YYYYMMDD.gz

This concrete command produces a custom-format dump, which is not a sql script, but instead must be restored by executing something like:

sudo -u postgres pg_restore -d NAME marmotta-db-NAME-backup-YYYYMMDD.gz

PostgreSQL offers a quite good documentation about dump. The same functionality is also offered by the other database vendors supported by Marmotta, like MySQL.

Home directory

Marmotta uses a home directory where it stores some things (logs and so) that you may want to have a backup. The most important file there is, since it's the file containing all Marmotta configurations.

For taking a snapshot of the directory you can take the way you prefer, for instance:

tar cf - /path/to/marmotta/home | gzip > marmotta-home-backup-YYYYMMDD.tar.gz


Change the admin password

Access the admin interface ad login as admin, and then navigate to: users -> me


Change lost admin password

In case you lost the admin password, you would need to change it manually in the settings by:

  1. Stop Marmotta

2. Change the password (read bellow) 3. Start Marmotta again

In the file /path/to/lmf/home/ there is a key 'user.admin.pwhash', which follows the following schema:

user.admin.pwhash = :hashtype::password

By default the system encodes passwords using sha1, so you should have something like:

user.admin.pwhash = :sha1::3eac84188a085a656b8720e11b8525dd30bcd97f

In any unix-based system you can easily generate the sha1 hash by executing:

echo -n "yournewpassword" | sha1sum

Also plain text passwords are allowed, but it's not recommendable for production systems:

user.admin.pwhash = :plain::yournewpassword