Apache JDO 2.3 Release Testing

This page describes the release testing for the GA release of JDO 2.3. The release notes at \[WWW\] https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?version=12313070&styleName=Html&projectId=10630&Create=Create describe the improvements implemented for this release.

Please note, the current JDO 2.3 release version is an early access release: JDO 2.3 EA (early access)

Test Procedure

In testing the release candidate, follow these steps.

  1. Download the tck2 releases from \[WWW\] http://people.apache.org/~andyj/jdo2-2.3-ea/db/jdo/2.3-ea.

  2. Extract the files.
  3. The JNDI test cases in tck2 are configured to use Sun's JNDI implementation. To download, go to http://java.sun.com/products/jndi/downloads/index.html, click the Download button at 'Download JNDI 1.2.1 & More', accept a license agreement, download 'File System Service Provider, 1.2 Beta 3' and then unpack the downloaded zip. Put the included jars fscontext.jar and providerutil.jar into the lib/ext directory.
  4. cd to the jdo2-tck-2.3-ea directory.
  5. Edit project.properties, replacing the following line in the maven.repo.remote property assignment:
      maven.repo.remote = \{noformat}          


maven.repo.remote = http://people.apache.org/~andyj/jdo2-2.3-ea/m1-ibiblio-rsync-repository,\{noformat}

Check to make sure that there is no blank following the {{}} character above.

Then, run maven build

To test the source distribution of the API sources (javax.jdo package), the model sources (org.apache.jdo package), enhancer test utilities sources (org.apache.jdo package), util sources (org.apache.jdo package) , follow these steps.

  1. Download the source releases from \[WWW\] http://people.apache.org/~andyj/jdo2-2.3-ea/db/jdo/2.3-ea.

  2. Extract the files.
  3. Run maven build in the corresponding directories
  4. Run the tck2 as described above.